The news that China has joined the WTO excite us all. 中国加入了世界贸易组织这一消息使我们大家兴奋不已。
He told us the truth that he fell down from his bike this afternoon. 他告诉了我们他从单车上摔下来这一真相。
1. 高中所学能带同位语从句的名词不多,常见的有:answer, belief, conclusion, decision, disc
overy, doubt, explanation, fact, hope, idea, information, knowledge, law, message, news, opinion, order, possibility, problem, promise, proof, proposal, question, report, risk, rumor, story, suggestion, truth, theory, thought, wish, word等。如:
Hw sent us a message that he won’t come next week. 他送信来告诉我们说,下周他不来了。
There is no doubt that he is fit for this job. 毫无疑问,它适合这一工作。
2. 表示“命令、建议、要求” advice, demand, decision, desire, idea, insistence, instruction, order, plan, proposal, recommendation, request, requirement, suggestion, wish 等名词的同位语,须用虚拟语气。如:
He made clear his desire that he should work hard to go to college. 他已清楚的表明了他要努力学习考上大学这一愿望。
Soon came the order that all the people should obey the rules. 不久命令下来了,所有的人不得违犯制度。
3. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别:
(4)引导词不同。定语从句不能用what, how, whether引导;而同位从句可以用what, how, whether引导
My idea is that he can teach children English in this school. 我的想法是他能够在这所学校教孩子们英语。
My hope is that he will keep it a secret for ever. 我的希望是它将永远保守秘密。
1. 连接词that一般不能省略,但当主句中含动词do的某种形式时,that可以省略。如:
What I want to do is (that) I can go up to him and thank him. 我想做的事是走到身边去感谢他。
2. 当句子的主语是:advice, demand, decision, desire, idea, insistence, instruction, order, plan, proposal, recommendation, request, requirement, suggestion, wish等名词时,表语从句须用虚拟语气,即:should +do。如:
My advice is that you should go to apologize to him. 我的建议是你应该去向他道歉。
(1)When he was born is unknown. 他生于何时还不知道。
(2)What he did last night is being investigated. 他昨天晚上干了些什么正在调查之中。
1. 主语从句一般用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将主语从句放到句末。如:
(1)It is possible that he has stolen the car. 很可能他偷了小车。
(2)Isn’t it strange that he should not have passed the test? 他测试没有通过,难道不奇怪吗?
2. if引导主语从句时,只能用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将if引导的主语从句放到句末。如:
It is uncertain if he will leave for Beijing tomorrow. 明天他是否去北京还不敢肯定。
3. that引导主语从句放在句首时,that不可省,但在句末口语中可省。如:
That he was ill yesterday is known now. 大家都已知道他昨天生了病。
4. 连接代词引导主语从句只能放在句首。如;
(1)Who has broken the glass is unknown. 谁打破了玻璃现在还不知道。
(2)What he wants is all here. 他所要的东西都在这里。
5. 主语从句中主句的谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式,但what引导主语从句的主句谓语动词的形式须根据句子的意思来判断。如
(1)How he worked it out is still a secret. 他是如何把它做出来的还是一个秘密
(2)What they makes in this factory are TV sets. 他们在工厂里所做的东西就是电视机。
1. 连接词 that 引导名词性从句时,只起连接作用,没有任何意思,也不充当句子成分,在宾语从句中可省略,但引导其他名词性从句时通常不省略。如:
I hope (that) you enjoy your holiday. 希望你假期过得好。
That he likes you is very obvious. 很显然他喜欢你。
2. 连接词 whether 引导名词性从句也不充当句子成分,但有自己的意思,表示“是否”;引导宾语从句时,可换成 if,但引导其他名词性从句时不能换成 if。如:
He asked whether [if] I would show him the way. 他问我是否可以给他带路。
Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。(引导主语从句,不能用 if 代替 whether)
3. 连接代词 who(m), whose, which, what 等引导名词性从句时,均有各自的意义,在从句中作主语、宾语、定语等。如:
That’s why she wanted to leave. 这就是她想离开的原因。
When we arrive doesn't matter. 什么时候到没有关系。
Tell me which one you like best. 告诉我你最喜欢哪一个。
4. 连接副词 when, where, why, how 等引导名词性从句,也各自有自己的意义,在从句中作状语。如:
The question is how we should carry out the plan. 问题是怎样执行这个计划。
When she’ll be back depends much on the weather. 她什么时候回来在很大程度上要看天气。
Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 他为什么这样做将永远是一个谜。
1. what 用于引导名词性从句是一个十分重要的引导词,它可引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,但不用于引导同位语从句。它引导的名词性从句有两个意思是:一是表示“什么”,带有疑问意味;二是表示“…所…的”,相当于一个先行词后接一个关系代词。如:
I don’t know what you want. 我不知道你想要什么。
I don’t know what you want is this. 我不知道你所想要的是这个。
2. what 引导名词性从句时可用作限定词,其后修饰名词。如:
I gave him what books I had. 我把我所有的书都给他了。
He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身边带有的钱全给了我。
注:what 后的名词可以是复数名词或不可数名词,但通常不能是单数可数名词,并且后接不
可数名词时,有时可有little修饰,两者的区别是:what+不可数名词=所有的都,what little+不可数名词=虽少但全部。如: