保密类别______                  编  号________
院(系)别    文化管理学院000 专    业    文化产业管理
000 班    级    旅游产业管理000
姓    名        张敏000
学    号    20090420123000
指导教师      肖春晔
中国传媒大学南广学院2012年 06月19日
s our country’s prosperity o economy nd the development o the medi, strs become n energetic powerul orce in our socil nd economic ctivities. They crete the excellent perormnce, but lso they chieve the rich socil nd economic vlue. However, in the process o trining nd economic ctivities in socil, there re ll kinds o problems unvoidbly. Thereore, crisis public reltion is n importnt spect o the ilm str public reltions mngement. By responsible nd eective crisis mngement, the public will hve deeper understnding nd greter recognition o the str, good socil impression will stnd out. I the str didn’t correctly hndle the crisis event, it will bring to their development very dverse inluence.
The public reltions crisis is ecting the ilm strs the more serious one. The rpid development o public reltions crisis events become more nd more inevitble with this high degree o socil concern, s well s ino
rmtion nd communiction technologies,. Once the crisis occurs, the str's creer, the output o the economic beneits nd the negtive socil impct will be met with gret destruction. ects not only the personl uture o ilm nd television str, is gret wste o the socil costs. Thereore, crisis public reltions or ilm nd television strs is very importnt nd urgent.
Keywords: public person;crisis public reltion;crisis mngement;
摘要 (1)
目录 (1)
绪论 (2)
一、危机背景 (2)
二、危机公关概况 (3)
高云翔最新情况(一)危机公关的相关知识 (3)
1.危机公关的含义 (3)
2.危机公关的特征 (3)
3.危机公关的主要类型 (4)
(二)危机公关产生的原因 (4)
三、危机公关处理意义 (4)
四、影视明星危机公关处理方式的案例分析 (5)
(一)、判断局势 (5)
(二)、发布声明 (5)
(三)、现身说明 (5)
(四)、沉默是金 (6)
(五)、经验总结 (6)
结语 (7)
参考文献 (8)