1、Yile Fu*, Sheying. Dong, Yuanzhen. Zhou, Guo Zhang, Qingcui
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2、Yile Fu, Borui Zhang, S. Wang, X. X. Gao, L. Y. Wang*, Efficient
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3、Yile Fu,Lanying. Wang*, Qi Liu, Xue Wang, Xianghan Zhang,
Gaohong Zhai, Zhenyi Wen, The experimental and DFTstudies of
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4、Yile Fu, Lanying Wang*, Xianghan Zhang, Tianqi Lu, Qianjie Xie,
Zhen Shi, Synthesis and spectral properties ofnovel water-soluble
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5、Yile Fu, Wei. Huang, ChunlanLi, Lanying Wang*, Yongsheng Wei,
Yi Huang, Xianghan Zhang, Zhenyi Wen, Zunxun Zhang, Monomethine cyanine
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