1.0:03:22.07,0:03:23.48你看见什么了---Alright, what do you see?
2.0:03:23.94,0:03:25.58普通的片区巡警---Standard beat cops.
3.0:03:27.07,0:03:28.44小警局---Small station.
4.0:03:30.80,0:03:32.17街区安静---Quiet street.
5.0:03:32.64,0:03:34.02是个不错的目标---It's a good target.
6.0:03:34.19,0:03:36.29南角有台自动取款机  也就是说---There's an ATM in the south corner,
8.0:03:37.50,0:03:39.22两条交叉街道都是单行的---Both cross streets are one way.
9.0:03:39.38,0:03:41.47不算是很好的逃跑路线---So compromised escape routes.
10.0:03:41.77,0:03:43.22也就是说我们的目标不在乎被看到---Means our guy doesn't care ab
out being seen
11.0:03:43.22,0:03:45.52也不怕在逃跑时造成混乱---he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out.
12.0:03:45.71,0:03:47.92看到半个街区外的那辆越野了吗---You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?
13.0:03:47.92,0:03:50.06看到了  红那辆吗  还不错---Yeah, the red one. It's cute.
14.0:03:50.06,0:03:51.06而且是防弹的---It's also bullet proof,
15.0:03:51.06,0:03:52.58意味着是私人保安---which means private security,
16.0:03:52.58,0:03:53.58也意味着更多---which means more guns,
17.0:03:53.58,0:03:56.51意味着会让某些人更加头疼  比如我们---which means more headaches for somebody, probably us.
18.0:03:56.62,0:03:58.99你们知道我能用意念移动物体吧---You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?
19.0:03:58.99,0:04:01.76小心谨慎必须成为你的本能---Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.
20.0:04:02.54,0:04:05.06有人跟你说过你有点多疑吗---Anybody ever tell you, you're a little paranoid.
21.0:04:05.07,0:04:07.31没当面说过  怎么  你听到什么了吗---Not to my face. Why, did you hear something?
22.0:04:07.31,0:04:08.92伙计们  精神集中点---Eyes on target, folks.
23.0:04:08.93,0:04:10.83这是半年来最可靠的关于朗姆洛的线索了---It's the best lead we've on Rumlow in 6 months.
24.0:04:10.83,0:04:12.17我可不想跟丢了---I don't want to lose him.
25.0:04:12.17,0:04:14.16如果他看到我们  那就不是问题了---If he sees us coming that won't be a problem,
26.0:04:14.16,0:04:15.68他算是恨死我们了---he kind of hates us.
27.0:04:19.18,0:04:21.63山姆  看到那辆垃圾车了吗---Sam, see that garbage truck?
28.0:04:22.25,0:04:23.26追踪它---Tag it.
29.0:04:41.93,0:04:43.22进行X光扫描---Give me X-ray.
30.0:04:48.09,0:04:51.25卡车达到了最大载重  驾驶员有---That truck's loaded for max weight, and the driver's armed.
31.0:04:51.25,0:04:52.78-是辆冲撞车  -行动---- It's a battling ram. - Go now.
33.0:04:54.41,0:04:55.83他的目标不是警察局---He's not hitting the police.
34.0:05:59.75,0:06:02.08防弹衣都是AR15---Body Armour. AR15s
35.0:06:02.08,0:06:03.64一共七名敌人---I make 7 hostiles.
36.0:06:12.39,0:06:13.64还剩五个---I make 5.
39.0:06:28.93,0:06:30.67朗姆洛在三层---Rumlow's on the third floor.
40.0:06:30.78,0:06:33.44-旺达  就像练习时那样  -那毒体呢---- Wanda. Just like we practice. - What about the gas?
41.0:06:33.44,0:06:34.48吸出来---Get it out.
42.0:06:52.48,0:06:53.64装走---Pack it up.
43.0:07:31.22,0:07:32.32他来了---He's here.
44.0:07:35.95,0:07:38.39-朗姆洛拿走了生物武器  -我这就去---- Rumlow has a biological weapon. - I'm on it.
45.0:08:13.96,0:08:15.90我不怕这招了---I don't work like that no more.
46.0:08:18.83,0:08:20.16手雷来了---Fire in the hole.
48.0:08:49.70,0:08:52.77山姆  他开装甲战车向北走了---Sam. He's in an AFV heading north.
49.0:08:57.64,0:08:59.18把这个带去机场---Take this to the airstrip.
50.0:08:59.53,0:09:01.98我们跑不过他  弃车---We're not gonna out run him. Lose the truck.
51.0:09:09.37,0:09:11.52-你去哪和我们汇合  -我们不汇合---- Where are you going to meet us? - I'm not.
52.0:09:23.34,0:09:25.14我看到四个  他们分头了---I got 4, they're splitting up.
53.0:09:29.93,0:09:31.44我负责左边两个---I got the two on the left.
54.0:09:40.14,0:09:41.37他们把装备扔了---They ditched their gear.
55.0:09:41.46,0:09:43.76得靠猜了  只有一个人拿走了武器---It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload.
56.0:09:49.22,0:09:51.14你在这儿呢  你个混蛋---There you are, you son of a bitch.
57.0:09:52.31,0:09:54.03这一刻我等好久了---I've been waiting for this!
58.0:10:10.81,0:10:11.98东西不在他这儿---He doesn't have it.
59.0:10:12.83,0:10:13.91我没到---I'm empty.
60.0:10:14.11,0:10:15.09闪开---Out of the way!
61.0:10:54.40,0:10:55.31放下---Drop it.
62.0:10:56.16,0:10:57.56不然我就把这个扔了---Or I'll drop this.
63.0:10:58.86,0:11:00.79-放下  -他说到做到---- Drop it! - He'll do it!
64.0:11:07.93,0:11:09.88武器拿到了  谢谢  山姆---Payload secured. Thanks, Sam.
65.0:11:09.88,0:11:11.23别谢我---Don't thank me.
66.0:11:11.41,0:11:14.05-我才不要谢那东西  -他叫红翼---- I'm not thanking that thing. - His name is Redwing.
67.0:11:14.05,0:11:16.94-我还是不会谢它  -他多可爱  摸摸他吧---- I'm still not thanking it. - He's cute. Go ahead, pet him.