Category: 本科三年级以上
Key words: loan translation, special noun, E-C translation
Abstract: It discusses the technique of loan translation from the perspective of some special nouns.
1. selling point: 卖点
2. hula loop: 呼啦圈 (《音义兼译--外来语中译之首选》,《中国翻译》,2001/6)
3. scratch card: 刮刮卡 (同上)
4. Fifth Column: 第五纵队 (《关于二十世纪英语引喻的思考与翻译》,《中国翻译》,1997/1)
5. domino effect: 多米诺效应 (同上)
6. shell shock: 炮弹休克
7. concentration camp: 集中营
8. field of vision: 视野 (《释义﹑归化和回译》,《中国翻译》,1993/1)
9. war-monger: 战争贩子 (同上)
10. mad-cow disease: 疯牛病
Title: 英汉翻译技巧:减词(Omission)
Category: 本科三年级以上
Key words: omission, grammar, rhetoric, E-C translation
Abstract: It discusses the technique of omission from the perspectives of grammar and rhetoric.
1. A soldier must obey orders.
2. When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low.
3. It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5-mile race over a course through steep exhausting hills.
4. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.
5. One must make painstaking efforts before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.
6. Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you.
7. Where there is a will, there is a way.
8. The joint decision to build the Tunnel was announced by President Francois Mitterrand and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in a ceremony at Lille on 21 January.
决定。(省介词)(王恩冕 李正中<大学英汉翻译教程>对外经济贸易大学出版社)
9. University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.
报考大学的人,有工作经验的将优先录取。(修辞性省略)(王恩冕 李正中<大学英汉翻译教程>对外经济贸易大学出版社=
10. As it is late, let us go to bed.
Title: 英汉翻译技巧:拟声词(Translation of imitative words/onomatopoeia)
Category: 本科三、四年级
Key words: imitative word, onomatopoeia, cases, E-C translation
Abstract: It discusses the technique of translating imitative words / onomatopoeia in various cases.
(1)"Whee-ee-ee! Whee-ee-ee!" The police whistles shrilled suddenly.
"的!的 !"突然警笛响了。(张培基 英语声词与翻译)守门员技巧
(2) He let the coke gurgle down his throat.
(3) A wolf howls / growls.
(4) Thunder rumbled in the distance.
远处雷声隆隆。 (同上)
(5) The cart rumbled past.
大车轱辘轱辘地驶过。 (同上)
(6) His stomach rumbled emptily.
他的肚子饿得咕咕作响。 (同上)
(7) He slammed his tea cup down on the table.
他把茶杯往桌上一顿。(张培基 英汉翻译教程)
(8) The squeaking of the radio was disturbing everybody.
收音机的声音在扰乱大家。 (同上)
(9) The logs were burning briskly in the fire.
(10) Jack fell asleep almost immediately.
杰克几乎倒头就呼呼睡了。 (同上)
Title: 英汉翻译技巧:释义分译(Paraphrase)
Category: 本科三年级以上
Key words: paraphrase, clarity, cross-cultural communication, E-C translation
Abstract: It discusses the technique of paraphrase from the perspectives of clarity and cross- cultural communication
1) I am no Hamlet. 我决不犹豫。(包惠南、包昂编著,"实用文化翻译学",上海科学普及出版社,2000)
2) His income derived from illicit activities-bookmaking, gambling, shylocking, and questionable union activities. 他的经济收入来源于一些非法活动-赛马登记赌注、赌博、放和一些可疑的工会活动。(包惠南、包昂编著,"实用文化翻译学",上海科学普及出版社,2000) (本科四年级
3) This is the opinion of some Rip Van Winkle. 这是一些不识时务的意见。(包惠南、包昂 编著,"实用文化翻译学",上海科学普及出版社,2000)
4) Can the leopard change his spots? 豹子改不了身上的斑纹,这叫本性难移。(宋天锡、袁江、袁冬娥编著,飞审校,"翻译新概念英汉互译实用教?quot;,国际工业出版社)(本科四年级以上)
5) He works in the Old Lady of Thread-needle Street. 他在绰号叫"穿线街老太太"的英格兰银行工作。(
6) The study had a Spartan look. 这间书房有一种简朴的景象。("中国翻译",99,2) (本科四年级以上)
7) I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse.我不知道他是否是个内奸。("中国翻译",99,2)
8) The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles.那守门员太弱是致命的缺陷。?quot;中国翻译",99,2)
9) The joke you told us is as old as Adam, but I still think it's funny. 你给我们讲的那个笑话简直老掉了牙,不过我认为还是很有趣的。(包惠南、包昂编著,"实用文化翻译学",上海科学普及出版社,2000)
10) If we try to implement these harebrained ideas (that English should be replaced by Hindi and the 15 recognized state languages), India will become a Tower of Babel. 如果我们试图实行这些轻率而愚蠢的主张,以印度语和其他15种官方承认的各邦语言取代英语的话,印度就会因语言的纷杂而乱成一团。(包惠南、包昂编著,"实用文化翻译学",上海科学普及出版社,2000)
Title: 英汉翻译技巧:意合(Parataxis)
Category: 本科三年级以上
Key words: parataxis, sentence structure, word order, Chinese, E-C translation
Abstract: It discusses the technique of parataxis from the perspective of sentence structures and word order.
1. ---nor at all like the poetry women generally write, I thought them condensed and terse, vigorous and genuine.
2. The fire flickers and the watch ticks.
3. He did not sleep much, but when he did he dreamed of beautiful princesses, splendid castles, and gold and silver.
4. And now it is an April day, and they take the old cloak and lie in John's grove out of doors together.
5. But he knew, too, that the boy---a young man now, though always "the boy" to Helmer---had courage and skill and a great will to live.
6. After an enormous lunch I drove Dave back to town to get his luggage.
7. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
8. He moved so quickly that I did not get a good look at him.
9. It is right here, at Geneva, whose very name evokes peace, the will to peace, cooperation among nations, that after long years of discussion, the negotiations were completed which had started on March 24,1984 at Havana on the necessity of creating as part o f the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade.
日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地,于1984年3月24日在哈瓦那开始的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈判的目的是,有否必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责调节国际贸易的机构。(王恩冕 李正中<大学英汉翻译教程>对外经济贸易大学出版社)
10. He was lazy, peevish, and a bon-vivant; the appearance of a lady frightened him beyond measure; hence it was but seldom that he joined the paternal circle in Russell Square, where there was plenty of gaiety, and where the jokes of his good-natured old father frightened his amour-proper.
Title: 英汉翻译技巧:视角转换(Shift of Perspective)
Category: 本科三年级以上
Key words: parts of speech, conversion, sentence part, expression, word order, inversion, negation, voice, clause, E-C translation
Abstract: It discusses the technique of shift of perspective from the perspectives of conversion, inversion, negation, voice, clause, etc.
1. The University of San Francisco is located near the Golden Gate Park.
旧金山大学座落在金门公园附近。(语态的转换)(王恩冕 李正中<大学英汉翻译教程>对外经济贸易大学出版社)
2. Her parents are both in their seventies.
她父母都已年过古稀。(表达方式的转换) (陈刚)
3. If children are so well able to learn the
ir mother tongue, it is precisely because they plunge themselves into the sea of language instead of reading a few textbooks only.
4. You can mass-produce … incredible quantities of facts and figures. You cannot mass-produce knowledge, which is created by individual minds, drawing on individual experience, separating the significant from the irrelevant.
你可以大批制造……数量惊人的事实与数字,但不可能大批生产知识,因为知识是个人头脑用个人经验,经过去伪存真后创造出来的。(定语从句转换成原因状语从句) (王恩冕 李正中<大学英汉翻译教程>对外经济贸易大学出版社)
5. "Coming!" Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the verandah, and into the porch.
6. Highway and air traffic came to a standstill in most of Eastern Washington.
7. I believe equally that it is in the interests of the world as a whole that Europe should increasingly unite and speak with a common voice.
8. Little did I then know the meaning of war and what it was in reality.
9. It is a good workman that never blunders.
10. Keep off the lawn!
请勿践踏草地!(正说反译)(华先发主编 《新实用英译汉教程》湖北教育出版社)