Global Resources provides services for over 1.5 n nal buyers。including 94 of the world's top retailers。to efficiently purchase products in a complex supply market。Meanwhile。suppliers can improve their company image and gain sales inquiries through Global Resour
ces' integrated export n services。winning XXX 240 XXX。XXX China.
。led by Guo Fansheng。XXX platform in China。known for its XXX industry chain。Starting with a business magazine in 1992.has successfully integrated ns and orks。ing a leading B2B merce platform in China's industrial product industry and second in the consumer product industry。It currently holds a market share closely following Alibaba。with the saying " in the south。XXX."
Ecaibao is a nal vertical B2B merce platform for the enterprise-level IT market。It provides。enterprise-level procurement support services。including demand analysis。XXX。equipment n。supplier screening。online bidding。procurement。delivery n。n n。and after-XXX brand manufacturers and thousands of high-quality agents and service providers in the domestic enterprise-level market。as well as cooperating with nal design XXX and financial support services to industry suppliers。making enterprise-level procurement simpler.
Founded in Hong Kong in 1999.was the first B2B online electronic trading platform in Great
er China and one of the neers and creators of global B2B merce。In its 12-year development。has always accurately grasped the development trend of world merce with its innovative management concept and forward-looking global n。and has created a global。nal online trading platform that leads the industry in product content and service mechanisms.