Regulation of Foreign Companies Branches in Iraq no.2 Of year 2017
外国公司在伊拉克注册分支机构条例( 2017第2号文件) 
Article 1
The following terms have the under- mentioned meanings for the purpose of this Regulation:-
First- The Minister : Minister of Trade.
Second- The Registrar: The Registrar of Companies.
Third- The foreign company: A company incorporated outside Iraq according to a foreign law.
Fourth- Registration License: A document issued by the Registrar of Companies and announce the registration of a foreign company branch in Iraq accordingly.
Fifth- The branch: A legal entity represents the foreign company in Iraq.
Article 2
Every foreign company (which) wishes to exercise trading activity in Iraq when two years pass as from its incorporation, can open a branch after submitting the following documents to the Registrar duly translated into Arabic language and legalized from the competent authorities in the country of origin:-
First: The special form of the license application designated by the Registrar.
Second- The memorandum of incorporation and articles of association of the foreign company or an equivalent document.
Third- A valid certificate of registration (incorporation) of the foreign company or an equivalent document.
Fourth- A list of the names of the board of directors of the foreign company and nationality of each one and names of authorized signatories.贸易公司名字
一份外国公司董事会董事名单, 注明每名董事的名字、国籍以及授权签字人的名称。
Fifth- Authorization document for the manager who is empowered to manage the branch in Iraq and actually residing therein.
Sixth- Authorization document for the person who is designated to submit the application to open the branch in Iraq.
Seventh- The final accounts of the last financial year of the foreign company.
Eighth- The undertaking formatted by the Registrar.
Ninth- Any other document which is ordered by the Registrar concerning the company business.
Article 3
first - The Registrar issues his decision to approve or refuse the foreign company request concerning providing the company with the registration license of a branch in Iraq
within (30) thirty business days as from the application date which must respond to the requirement stated in article(2) of this Regulation otherwise the application is considered acceptable and in case of refused there must be a reason for the decision.