    1. Tie a knot – 系领带结
    2. Half Windsor knot – 半温莎结
    3. Full Windsor knot – 温莎结
    4. Four-in-hand knot – 四手结
    5. The Pratt knot – 普拉特结
    6. The Eldredge knot – 埃尔德里奇结如何系领带
    7. The Trinity knot – 三位一体结
    8. Loosen the tie – 松开领带
    9. Adjust the tie – 调整领带
    10. Straighten the tie – 把领带拉直
    11. Tuck in the tie – 把领带塞进衬衫里
    12. Untie the knot – 解开领带结
    13. Re-tie the tie – 重新系领带
    14. Tie clip – 领带夹
    15. Bow tie – 领结