・桥 梁・
鲍存坤 徐光兴
(石家庄铁道学院国防交通研究所 石家庄 050043)
  摘 要 结合浙赣线抚河特大桥SPZ1100/40铁路箱梁造桥机设计、安装及使用,介绍八三式铁路轻型军用桥墩的特点及其灵活多变组拼结构形式,为在拼组式造桥机或架桥机设计中如何选用八三式铁路轻型军用桥墩提供了借鉴。
关键词 军用桥墩 造桥机 膺架 施工技术
1 工程概况
浙赣线电气化提速改造工程抚河特大桥位于江西省南昌市,为19孔40m 单箱单室双线预应力混
凝土简支箱梁,梁长4016m ,高315m ,底板宽516m ,顶板宽816m ,自重10457kN 。该桥采用节段预制拼装施工,梁体分7个节段预制,其中两端节段长
510m ,混凝土6215m 3
;中间节段长514m ,混凝土4115m 3
2 S P Z1100/40铁路箱梁造桥机基本结构
图1 SPZ1100/40造桥机总体构造(单位:mm )
3 八三式铁路轻型军用桥墩在造桥机中的
311 八三式铁路轻型军用桥墩简介
・桥 梁・
性能好、适应范围广、安装速度快、器材轻便、结构简单、便于运输和储存等优点。312 运梁小车
箱梁节段最重约167t,需一台1800kN 运梁小
后可能长期搁置不用。经过比较,决定采用八三式墩杆件和现有组装式台车拼组成一台1800k N 运梁小车,结构形式如图2所示
图2 运梁小车(单位:mm )
  运梁小车使用了8个450k N 组装式台车,车架
由八三式墩杆件拼组而成。根据计算及考虑尽量降低运梁小车高度,每2个台车上并排连结2根八三式墩①号杆,每4个台车为一组,横向再连两道八三式墩杆件,形成框架结构,八三式墩杆件放置位置兼顾了作为移行支架走行底座之用。因箱梁两端节段长度(5m )和中间节段(514m )长度不一,为了调整不同支点位置,两组车架在运梁时不相连,作为移行支架走行底座使用时,两组车架用螺栓连接在一起。313 移行支架
本造桥机在过孔前首先用大吨位千斤顶将尾桁顶起,使造桥机后部离开墩(台)顶支承点,然后移行支架进入造桥机尾桁并支承于上横梁的L 梁上,落下千斤顶,使造桥机后支点荷载全部落在移行支架上。移行支架开进造桥机尾桁及支承方式分别见图3、图4
图3 移行支架开进造桥机尾桁
图4 移行支架支承于L 梁上
・桥 梁・
结,立柱下部支撑于3道双层横梁上,上部连接2道双层变截面支承横梁,与尾桁L 梁相接触的支承点
图5 移行支架(单位:mm )
8个L 梁上,受力合理,经计算满足八三墩承载力要
可作梁的特点。314 造桥机安装用临时支墩
因制梁场地狭小,SPZ1100/40铁路箱梁造桥机不能在台后路基上拼组,只能在0号台至2号墩之图6 临时支墩布置(单位:mm )间搭临时支墩进行拼组。最初考虑用碗扣脚手架作为临时支墩和工作平台,但碗扣脚手架需要基础处理面积大,而且整体移动困难,不能够快速倒换使用。用八三式墩需要处理的基础面
当要拆除①号临时支墩时,用2台1000k N 千斤顶放置在2号桥墩上,顶起前导梁,使临时支墩顶与导梁下缘脱离,用吊车吊起①号临时支墩,撤出墩下所垫枕木,然后吊出,移至下一支承点。用同样方法分别在1号桥墩和0号桥台上支千斤顶,完成其它临时支墩撤出和移位。
4 结语
1 唐玉国.八三式铁路轻型军用桥墩在提速工程桥梁改造中的应用.铁道建筑技术,2000(4)
Abstracts and Key words
Study on the i n terface he i ght of e m bank m en t and br i dge for h i gh speed ra ilway ba sed on the settle m en t after con structi on of subgrade i n soft so il zone
D u L iqun,Zuo D eyuan,L iu Yang
Abstract Given different fill height and different thickness of s oft clay gr ound,l ots of calculati on and analysis are carried out about the corres ponding settlement after constructi on.M ean2 while,on the basis of the settle ment contr ol,s ome reas onable in2 terface heights of e mbank ment and bridge are put f or ward,ac2 cording t o the li m it value of the settle ment after constructi on f or high s peed rail w ay.
Keywords high s peed rail w ay,s oft clay gr ound,settle ment af2 ter constructi on,interface height
Fl a sh i n g butt2weld i n g m ethod for jo i n tless ra ilway lock i n g welds
M a dingyi,C aojunxin
Abstract This paper dissertates the effect that extensi on stress p r oduces on rail flashing butt2welding course,als o on heat treat2 ment and stability of welding j oints,in the course of j ointless rail w ay flashing butt2welding.It puts for ward flashing butt2weld2 ing technol ogy for j ointless rail w ay l ocking welds including super extensi on,technol ogy l ock2in,curving which is not influenced by extensi on stress.
Keywords j ointless rail w ay,flashing butt2welding,extensi on stress,super extensi on,technol ogy l ock2in,curving
Con structi on technology of underpa ssi n g old bu ild i n gs w ith the m ethod of sha llow excava ti on
Zhong Q iaorong,Zhang D ingli,H uang M ingli
Abstract Shall ow tunnel constructi on method is app lied in ther m ic power outside line engineering f
r om HePing East B ridge t o TaiYanggong W est Road in Beijing,which under passes t w o2 fl oor brick2concrete structure.There are s ome cracks with the width of3c m in North fr ontis p iece veneer and in r ooft op eave be2 f ore excavati on.Half2secti on gr outing without reducing water and l ong p i pe l odgepole reinforce gr ound technique are used,under the conditi on of bad geol ogy and thin s oil covering the tunnel and the tunnel under passes the structure area safely while the feed2 back data is better used.
Keywords l ong p i pe l odgepole,gr outing,observing and meas2 uring,under pass,contr ol and feedback
M ea sures to con trol tunnel d ispl ace m en t due to excava ti n g the upper founda ti on p it
L i Zh igao,Zeng Yuan,L iu H ao,W ang Yibin
Abstract It is necessary t o contr ol tunnel dis p lace ment f or safe2 guarding the safety of No.2line of Shanghai metr o during exca2 vating of a large deep foundati on p it for intersecti on under Dong2 fang Road in Shanghai.The effect on the tunnel due t o excava2 ting the upper p it are analyzed and s ome measures are given t o reduce the dis p lace ment.
Keywords metr o tunnel,excavati on of foundati on p it,dis2 p lace ment contr ol Appli ca ti on of832type Ra ilway L i ghtM ilit ary P i er to Br i dge
A sse m bli n g M ach i n e
B ao
C unkun,Xu Guang2xing
Abstract This paper intr oduces the characteristics and the flex2 ible asse mbling structure for m of the832type light m ilitary p ier with the design,installati on and use of the SPZ1100/40type rail w ay box girder bridge2asse mbling machine f or the Fu R iver B ridge of the Zhejiang2J iangxi Rail w ay as a p ractical exa mp le t o illustrate.The paper is hel pful t o choose832type rail w ay m ilitary p ier in the design of bridge asse mbling machine and bridge2erec2 ter.
Keywords m ilitary p ier,bridge asse mbling machine,corbel2 ling,constructi on technique
D esi gn and con structi on of for m for70m box g i rder of D ongha i Br i dge
H uang Shaow en,Shen Yangyun
Abstract 70m box girders of DonghaiB ridge are monolithically p recasted in p recast bea m site,the f or m s used for p recast beam are designed with an advanced design concep t.This paper intr o2 duces the structure and layout of for m.I n additi on,detailed de2 scri p ti on is given t o step s of dis mantle ment and installati on of f or m s.
Keywords large box girder,monolithic p recast,for m,design and constructi on
Con structi on technology of QZ04type si m ple support beam used i n Q i n gha i2T i bet ra ilway
Zhao jian
Abstract I n order t o meet the need of Q inghai2Tibet rail w ay constructi on,Q inghai2Tibet04type si m p le bridge is designed s pecially.The br oken2line reinforced p re2tensi on p restressed concrete si m p le support beam is adop ted f or the first ti m e at home,no experience yet.This paper intr oduces the design and constructi on of QZ04type bea m tensi on bench,selecti on ways of p retressed para meters,p retressed constructi on technol ogy and a su mmary of stack l oad test.
Keywords p re2tensi on bea m,stress contr ol,br oken2line mus2 cle
D esi gn of bracket on p i er top and its appli ca ti on to ZQL32/ 64type br i dge fabr i ca ti on mach i n
Sun Sh ihao
Abstract This paper intr oduces a new design way of bracket on p ier t op for bridge fabricati on machine after analysis of its sup2 port f or m and comparis on bet w een t w o types of bracket on p ier t op for Z QL32/64type bridge fabricati on machine.Based on the constructi on of Yell ow R iver Super B ridge in No.2line of Lanzhou2W u wei Rail w ay,a su mmary is given t o characteristics of the kind of bracket.
Keywords bridge fabricati on machine,bracket on p ier t op,de2 sign