    When an earthquake strikes, it is crucial to remain calm and take immediate action to protect yourself and others. Here are some things you should do:
    1. Drop, cover, and hold on. If you are indoors, drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy table or desk, and hold on until the shaking stops. If you are outdoors, find an open area away from buildings and trees, and drop to the ground. Protect your head and neck with your arms.
    2. Stay away from windows, exterior doors, and walls. These areas are more likely to collapse or shatter during an earthquake.
    3. If you are in a vehicle, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Stay inside the vehicle and wait for the shaking to stop. Do not drive over bridges or underpasses, as they may be damaged.
    4. If you are in a crowded place, do not panic. Try to stay calm and follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
地震时如何保护自己    5. Help others around you. If you see someone who needs assistance, help them to safety.
    6. After the earthquake, check for injuries and damage. Report any damage or injuries to the appropriate authorities.
    7. Be prepared for aftershocks. After an earthquake, there is a risk of aftershocks, which can be as strong as the main event. Stay alert and be prepared to take cover again if necessary.
    1. 趴下、掩护、坚持住。如果您在室内,请趴在地上,躲在坚固的桌子或办公桌下,并坚持住直到震动停止。如果您在户外,请到远离建筑物和树木的空旷区域,并趴在地上。用手臂保护头部和颈部。
    2. 远离窗户、外门和墙壁。这些区域在地震中更容易倒塌或破碎。
    3. 如果您在车辆中,靠边停车并停车。待在车内,等待地震停止。不要驾驶车辆经过桥梁或涵洞,因为它们可能已损坏
    4. 如果您在人中,不要惊慌。尽量保持冷静,并遵循应急人员的指示。
    5. 帮助你周围的人。如果您看到有人需要帮助,请帮助他们安全。
    6. 地震后,检查伤势和损坏。向有关当局报告任何损坏或伤害。
    7. 为余震做好准备。地震后,有余震的风险,余震的强度可能与主震一样大。保持警觉,并准备好再次采取掩护措施(如有必要)。