"Hello, Li Huanying is a heartwarming and poignant Chinese film directed by Jia Ling, released in 2021. The film revolves around the relationship between a mother, Li Huanying, and her daughter, Jia Xiaoling, portrayed by the director herself. Through a series of flashbacks, the audience is taken on a journey through the ups and downs of their lives, spanning from Jia Xiaoling's childhood to her adulthood. The story is deeply touching as it explores themes of sacrifice, love, and the unbreakable bond between a parent and child. Jia Ling's portrayal of her mother's selflessness and resilience in the face of adversity resonates with audiences, making it a heartfelt tribute to all mothers. The film not only captures the essence of familial love but also provides insight into the struggles and triumphs of ordinary people in China during the 1980s and 1990s. With its blend of humor, drama, and genuine emotion, Hello, Li Huanying is a testament to the power of storytelling and has earned widespread acclaim for its authenticity and sincerity."