1.Which of the following is the name of an animated movie?
A.Star Wars
C.The Matrix
答案:B。“Frozen”是动画电影《冰雪奇缘》的英文名。选项 A“Star Wars”是《星球大战》,属于科幻电影;选项 C“The Matrix”是《黑客帝国》,是科幻动作电影;选项 D“Gladiator”是《角斗士》,是一部历史剧情片。
2.Which one is an animated film?
C.Gone with the Wind
D.The Silence of the Lambs
答案:B。“Shrek”是动画电影《怪物史莱克》。选项 A“Titanic”是《泰坦尼克号》,是爱情灾难片;选项 C“Gone with the Wind”是《乱世佳人》,是爱情片;选项 D“The Silence of the Lambs”是《沉默的羔羊》,是惊悚片。
3.Which movie is an animation?
A.The Godfather
答案:B。“Brave”是动画电影《勇敢传说》。选项 A“The Godfather”是《教父》,是黑帮电影;选项 C“Psycho”是《惊魂记》,是恐怖片;选项 D“Casablanca”是《卡萨布兰卡》,是爱情片。
4.Which of these is an animated movie title?
A.Mission: Impossible
D.The Bourne Identity
答案:B。“Zootopia”是动画电影《疯狂动物城》。选项 A“Mission: Impossible”是《碟中谍》,是动作片;选项 C“Braveheart”是《勇敢的心》,是历史战争片;选项 D“The Bourne Identity”是《谍影重重》,是动作片。
5.Which is the name of an animated film?
A.The Sound of Music
C.Citizen Kane
D.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
答案:B。“Mulan”是动画电影《花木兰》。选项 A“The Sound of Music”是《音乐之声》,是音乐片;选项 C“Citizen Kane”是《公民凯恩》,是剧情片;选项 D“One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”是《飞越疯人院》,是剧情片。
6.Which of the following is a famous action movie?
A. Frozen
B. The Lion King
C. Mission: Impossible
D. Tangled
答案:C。“Mission: Impossible”(《碟中谍》)是著名的动作电影。选项 A“Frozen”(《冰雪奇缘》)是动画电影。选项 B“The Lion King”(《狮子王》)是动画电影。选项 D“Tangled”(《长发公主》)是动画电影。
7.Which movie is about a spy's adventures?
A. Harry Potter
B. Fast & Furious
C. James Bond
D. Transformers
答案:C。“James Bond”(詹姆斯·邦德系列)是关于间谍冒险的电影。选项 A“Harry Potter”(《哈利·波特》)是魔法题材电影。选项 B“Fast & Furious”(《速度与激情》)是赛车题材电影。选项 D“Transformers”(《变形金刚》)是科幻电影。
8.Which action movie features a lot of car chases?
A. The Bourne Series
B. Pirates of the Caribbean
C. The Fast and the Furious
D. Star Wars
答案:C。“The Fast and the Furious”(《速度与激情》)以大量的汽车追逐场景为特。选项 A“The Bourne Series”(《谍影重重》系列)主要是特工的动作情节。选项 B“Pirates of the Caribbean”(《加勒比海盗》)是奇幻冒险电影。选项 D“Star Wars”(《星球大战》)是科幻电影。
9.Which of the following is NOT an action movie?
A. Indiana Jones
B. Beauty and the Beast
C. The Terminator
D. Die Hard
答案:B。“Beauty and the Beast”(《美女与野兽》)不是动作电影,而是一部爱情奇幻电影。选项 A“Indiana Jones”(《夺宝奇兵》)是动作电影。选项 C“The Terminator”(《终结者》)是动作电影。选项 D“Die Hard”(《虎胆龙威》)是动作电影。
10.Which action movie has a hero fighting robots?
A. Avatar
B. Pacific Rim
C. Titanic
D. Mulan
答案:B。“Pacific Rim”(《环太平洋》)中英雄与机器人战斗。选项 A“Avatar”(《阿凡达》
)是科幻电影,主要是人类与外星生物的故事。选项 C“Titanic”(《泰坦尼克号》)是爱情灾难电影。选项 D“Mulan”(《花木兰》)是古装动作电影,但不是与机器人战斗。
11. Which of the following is a famous science fiction movie?
A. Harry Potter