她还担任了众多大型电视晚会和活动的英语主持,包括2009年奥巴马总统访问中国期间在人民大会堂观看的国宴演出。2011年3月她成为央视驻瑞士日内瓦记者站首席记者。2016年开始,刘欣在中国国际电视台主持新闻述评类节目《欣视点》(The Point with Liu Xin)。
Trish: Tonight I have a special guest joining me all the way from Beijing China to discuss the challenges of trade between the US and her home country. She is the host of a prime-time English-language television program overseen by the CCP(the Chinese Communist Party). And though she and I may not agree on everything I believe this is actually a really unique opportunity an opportunity to hear a very different view as these trade negotiations stall out. It's helpful to know how the Chinese Communist Party is thinking about trade and about the United States. In the interest of transparency I should explain that I don't speak for anyone but myself as the host of a Fox Business show. My guest however is part of the CCP and that's fine as I said I welcome different perspectives on this show with all that in mind. I'm very pleased tonight to welcome is LiuXin host to the prime time opinion program the Point with LiuXin to Trish Regan prime time tonight. Let's just quickly to the viewers. Please bear with us as we have a significant time delay in our sat
ellites between Beijing and the US. Because of that we're gonna do our very best not to speak over each other but Xin welcome. It's good to have you here.
Liu : Thank you Trish thank you Trish for having me. It's a great opportunity for me unprecedented I never dreamed that I would have this kind of opportunity to speak to you and to speak to many audiences in ordinary households in the United States. I need to correct because I
Trish: Forgive me. You are not what?
Liu : Yep Trish I have to get it straight. I am not a member of the Communist Party of China. This is on the record so please don’t assume that I’m a member and I don’t speak for the Communist Party of China and I’m here today only speaking for myself as LiuXin a journalist working for CGTN so well if anybody at least.
Trish: Okay appreciate it. Um... what’s your current assessment of where the trade talks actually are right now ? Give me your current assessment and where we are on these trade talks. Do you believe a deal is possible?
Liu:I think if it isthrough cooperation if it is through mutual learning if it is through if youpay for the use of this IP of this high technology. I think it’s absolutelyfine. Why not we all prosper because we learn from each other.I learned Englishbecause I had American teachers. I learned English because I had Americanfr
iends. I still learn how to do journalism because I have American copyeditors so I think that’s fine as long as it is not illegal. I think everybodyshould do that and that’s how you get better. Right?
Trish: You mentioned something prettyimportant which is that you should pay for the acquisition of that and you knowlook. I think that the liberalized economic world in which we live has valuedintellectual property and it's governed by a set of laws so we all need tokind of play by the rules and play by those laws if we're going to have thatkind of trust between each other. But I think you bring up some good pointslet me turn to China right now which is now the second largest economy at whatpoint will trying to decide to abandon its developing nation status and willstop borrowing from the world Bank?
Liu: Well I think this kind of discussion isgoing on and I've heard very live discussions about this. Indeed there arepeople talking about China already becoming so big why don't you just grow upbasically. I think you said it in your program as well China grow up well. Ithink we want to grow up we don't wantto be you know too off tall or poor underdeveloped all the time but it dependson how you define developing country right. If you look at China's overallsize the overall size of the Chinese economy yes we are very big the world'snumber one but don't forget we have 1.4 billion people that is over three timesthe population of the United States so if you divide the second largestoverall economy in the world basically when it comes to down to per capita GDPwhere I think less than 1/6 of that of the United States and even less thansome ot
sidselrasmussenher more developed countries in Europe so you tell me where should weput ourselves .