1、The new teacher required the students _C_to the classroom 20 minutes earlier for morning reading.
A.came            B.would come        C.should come        D.must come
2、The old lady had her purse_A_ when she was on the bus back home form the supermarket.
A.stolen    宋佳玲B.steal    C.to be stolen    Dstealing
3、Even after the fundamental reform,everything in the town remained__C_
A.changing  B.changed  C.unchanged  D.changeable
4. Not only the children in the class but also I,their teacher,___C_ forced to stay in the hall for about four hours.               
A.were    B. are    C. is    D.was
舒淇的三级片5.  He didn’t  find the dictionary__C_ was kept the only  photo of his daughter.
  A. which  B. that    C. in which  D. in that
6. _A__the news that  the  enemy ceased  fire,they were excited to tears.       
A.Hearing    B.Hear    C.To hear  D. Heard
7. His funny facial expressions_D_the audience and the__gentleman  gave warm applause.
  A. amusing,amused  B amused,amused  C. amusing,amusing  D. amused,amusing
8. Taking a__A___ attitude towards life is to make a good life..
  A.positive          B. negative    C. expressive    D aggressive
9. People in this city like to__D___time by drinking tea with friends outdoors.
  A.take    B.have  C.cost    D. kill    嫩模杨璐
10. After the stranger left,suspicion___C___among the villagers..
  A. rose    B. arose    C. raised    D. lifted
11. __C___other peers,the twins seem to be more thoughtful and logical of all the data before he make a final decision.           
A. Likely  B. Like    C.Unlike    D. Alike
12. The local government has ___B__the consequence of noise pollution..
  A.overdone    B. overtaken  C.overheard  D. overlooked
13.According_B__the regulation,all the staff have to work five hours a week.                    .
  A. with  B. to    C. at    D.for
14. An__D__seat  will save at least $20form here to my home by plane.
  A.economic          B. economy  C. economist              D.economical
15. the dress I bought in the market is inferior in quality __B___that similar one in the store. 
    A. as        B. to    C.than    D. with
Are you nervous?Maybe you should sit in a blue room. Are you always cold? Maybe you should sit in a room painted in a warm color such as soft orange. Are you often sad ?  Maybe you should sit in a yellow room.some researchers believe that color has 
The Power to affect our feelings. They believe that colors affect almost everyone in the same way.  They tested the idea in different settings.
One study was done in a workplace. The researchers painted heavy boxes white and light boxes black.They wanted to see how color affected the workers’feelings.Which boxe
s do you think were more difficult to lift?The heavy white ones? No. The black boxes were heavier but they looked light.The researchers think that this is because light colors seem light.
Another study was done at a hospital with brown and dark green walls.  Painters repainted the hospital walls in bright colors---bright orange on the first floor, bright pink on the scecond, bright green on the third. Guess what happened? The patients changed. They visited each other and talked more.The workers also changed and were happier about their work.
Another study was done at a school. Researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canda, studied children with behavior problems in their classroom. When the walls were brown and yellow, the children’s heart rates went up and they were overactive. When the walls were light and dark blue, the children’s heart rates were slower and the children were mucher calmer.
If this is true,people might start to think carefully about the colors around them---not just i
n houses,but also in offices, in school,in hospital, in gyms,  in prisons, in museums, and in restaurants!
16)What is the main idea of the article?  ___D__
A.Children are calmer in light blue room.
B.If you are sad, sit in a yellow room.
C.A heavy box seems light if it has a light color.
D.Colors affect people’s life.怎样快速美白脸部皮肤
17)which of the following place is Not mentoined in the examples to show how colors affect people’s feelings?  ___C___
A.Hospital        B.Workplace  .C.Restaurant    D.School
18)Colors such as red, yellow, and soft orange make people feel __B____
A.cold        B.warm        C.sad        D.tiredkate perry
19)Bule make people feel __B___
陈学冬欧阳娜娜A.warm      B.calm      C.nervous      D.active
20)A dark colored box looks__B__than a light colored box.