2008学年第一学期  考试科目:  管理学基础 
考试类型:(闭卷)      考试时间: 120 分钟
学号                  姓名                年级专业                 
[Pay attention: please write your answers in the answer sheet]
True/False (1 point per statement, total 10 points)
1.The four processes of management are completely independent and should be treated
as separate activities.
2.Scientific management theorists我爱你中国 歌词 believed there was "one best way" for a job to be done.
3.Development of alternatives is the step between identification of decision criteria and allocation of weights to criteria.
4.Individuals who prefer the team role of explorer-promoter are patient and usually have the control skills to ensure that the ideas are followed through in detail.
5.If an individual is low in the authority hierarchy, he/she is also not close to the power core.
6.Mintzberg found that managers—regardless of the type of organization or the level in the organization—perform similar roles.
7.The norming stage of team development is one of intragroup conflict.
8.In order to fulfill the grand strategy, managers will seek to position their units so that they can gain a relative advantage over their competition.
9.According to Herzberg, working conditions and salary are examples of hygiene factors.
10.The method of monitoring, comparing and correcting is what we called controlling process.
Choose the only one correct answer for each question (2 point per question, total 40 points)
1. Which of the following is not one of the six elements of structure?
a)    work specialization
b)    chain of command
c)    span of control
d)    technology
2. If a college cuts the cost by using mostly part-time teachers and at the same time fails to adequately educate its students, it can be said to be doing the wrong things well. In other words, the college is_____:
a)    efficient and effective
b)    efficient but not effective
c)    effective but not efficient
d)    neither efficient nor effective
3. _____ is the term used to describe the hypotheses of the scientific management theorists and the general administrative theorists.
a)Contingency approach
b)Human resources
c)Human relations
d)Classical approach
4. Michael Porter proposed that management must select a(n) _____ ,which will give its unit a distinct advantage by capitalizing on the strengths of the organization and the industry it is in.
a)growth opportunity
b)competitive strategy
c)organizational chart
5. An office supply firm that has three departments based upon retail, wholesale, and governmental customers is using which of the following types of departmentalization?
a)    functional
b)    product
c)    customer
d)    geographic
马德钟身高6. Mary Parker Follet was a social philosopher who taught that organizations should be based on _____ rather than _____.
a)individualism; group ethic王祖贤三级
b)ethics; profits
c)efficiency; profits
d)group ethic; individualism
7. Which of the following is not a result of work that has become too specialized?
b)low productivity
c)poor quality
d)lower turnover
8. Creative College is opening a satellite(卫星) campus to accommodate working adults. Creative College is pursuing a(n) _____ strategy.
9. The management theory jungle was developed by_____.
10. Jim has the ability to "dock"(扣去) paychecks of employees who arrive at work past 9:05 AM. What kind of power does Jim possess?
a)coercive power
b)legitimate power
c)expert power
d)referent power
大s电视剧11. Linda has spent the day trying to determine what the role of their company. Goals were then developed based on their vision of the company's mission. Linda spent her day on the _____ process.
a)    planning
2023年春节快递停运时间表b)    organizing
c)    leading
d)    controlling
12. Which of the following is a hidden aspect of organizational behavior?
c)group norms
d)formal authority
13. Deborah's work team does its own hiring and scheduling and is even responsible for evaluating each other's performance. Deborah is part of a _____ team.
14. Harry's Company apparently has overgrown its market. It can no longer compete successfully due to its size and formalization. Thus it is reducing its size in order to once again become competitive. This is known as which of the following strategies?
15. Who developed Theory X and Theory Y?
c)McClelland女装 品牌
16. Jill has been teaching for 18 years. Each day she arrives at work smiling and ready to teach another room full of students. She loves her job. This describes which of the following?