英语电影视听说 期末考试复习指南
    英语电影视听说 期末考试复习指南
    Part I Cultural notes
    1. the cultural notes in Roman Holiday & Forrest Gump;
    2. 讲义(PPT课件)中关于三部电影里主要演员的获奖电影及其获得奥斯卡奖项的情况;
    3. 三大顶级国际电影节的主办地(国家和城市);
    4. 熟悉各种电影类型及其定义。
    Part II Vocabulary
    题型:十二个单词(或词组)中选出合适的词语完成十个句子。一词只能选一次。 考查内容及范围:
    1. the Useful Phrases & Expressions in Roman Holiday & Forrest Gump;
    2. the Word Tips in the in The Devil Wears Prada;
    Part III Identify the classical lines
    题型:出三部电影的经典台词。有六句台词,其中有一句不属于三部电影中的任何一部。 考查内容及范围:熟悉三部电影的内容及经典台词。
    Part IV Translation
    Section A (C-E)
    ● film genres (十种)
    ● Awards (五种)
    ● Lines (五个句子)
    1. Classic Lines in Forrest Gump;
    2. One scene in The Devil Wears Prada;
    A phrase in this line can be found in the 3. in Roman Holiday.
    Section B (E-C) (四个句子)
    1. & Section B of The Devil Wears Prada;
    2. Two settings in in Roman Holiday;
    3. Forrest Gump.
    PartⅤ Writing
    Be able to make some comment on the theme & hero /heroine of the three movies, including what you have learned from the movies.
    PartⅠ Vocabulary
    Direction: In this section, there are five statements with five blanks. You are required to select one word or phrase for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please write the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet.
    1. He went to the Halloween party and ______________ as Elvis Presley.
    2. __________________, Ping Pong came very natural to me.
    3. God! That mother is so ________ on her only child.
    4. Give me your _________. You won’t do that again.
    5. I ______________________ that he must keep something on mind.
    PartⅡ Identify the classical lines
    Direction: Match the film with its corresponding classical lines. Select the lines for each film. Each line is identified by a letter. Please write the corresponding letter for each film.
    1. Shawshank Redemption ___________________
    2. The Pursuit of Happyness ___________________
    a. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
    b. Don’t ever let somebody tell you…You can’t do something. Not even me.
    c. Boys, you must strive to find your own voice… Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Don’t be resigned to that. Break out!
    你们必须奋力到自己的声音…… 不要甘心接受那样的命运。强行冲出去!
    d. You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves. They wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.
    e. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.