2014-05-16 2142
例:How much is the shirt?
A.£19.15.            B.£9.15.              C.£9.18.
1.What are the speakers talking about?
A.Whether to have the right do drive.
B.How do drive a car.
C.Driving in England.
2.Where is the bank?
A.Next to the bookstore.    B.Behind the
bookstore.      C.Far from the bookstore.
3.Where does the conversation take place?
A.In a hotel.                      B.In a guest
room.            C.On the telephone.
4.Whose computer is the best?
A.Jason’s.                        B.The
man’s.                    C.The woman’s.
5.What is important to the man?
工商企业管理专业介绍A.Making people happy.    B.Being
famous.                C.Being rich.
6.What is the man?
A.A fire fighter.                B.A bus
driver.                  C.A doctor.
端午节免过路费吗7.What do we know about the man?
A.He was hurt.                  B.He was
burnt.                C.He breathed in much smoke.
8.What is the most probable relationship between the woman and the man?
A.Teacher and student.      B.Husband and
wife.          C.Doctor and patient.
9.What are the speakers doing?
A.Cooking.                        B.Working.                      C.Having dinner.
2014.What happened to the man’s finger?
A.It’s cut.                        B.It’s
burnt.                      C.It’s broken.
11.What was put on the man’s finger?
A.Ice.                              B.The
bandage.                  C.The medicine.
12.What do we know about the man?
A.He works for Tooth – cream Limited Company.
B.He is an experienced salesman.
C.He is looking for a job.
13.What is the man’s opinion of being a salesman?
A.He should be pleasant and humorous.
B.He should make people believe him.
C.He should be a good talker.
14.What will the man probably do?
A.Work as a secretary.
B.Make the woman angry.
C.Try to act as a salesman.
15.What did the man do with Bob this morning?
A.He went skiing.              B.He went
skating.            C.He went camping.
16.What did the man do to help Bob when he fell?
A.He supported Bob up.
B.He bandaged Bob’s leg.
C.He called an ambulance to send Bob to hospital.
17.How long will Bob have to stay in hospital at least?
A.Two weeks.                  B.Two
months.                C.Three months.
18.Why did the bungee jumper have the accident?
A.He jumped off the bridge without the line.
B.He was pushed down by others.
C.His bungee line broke.
19.Where was the bungee jumper interviewed?
A.On the radio.                  B.On the
bridge.                C.At the place he fell.
20.What does the woman think of the bungee jumper?
A.He’s brave.                    B.He’s
foolish.                  C.He’s funny.
例:We      last night, but we went to the concert instead.
A.must have
studied                                                              B.might study
C.should have studied                              D.would study
21.--- Alice, guess what! I passed the driving test.
---        !
A.Sound good        B.Very well            C.How
nice            D.All right
22.The financial crisis has put the world economy in a
difficult        .
A.occasion            B.condition            C.uation            D.situation
23.Some of the exercises appear to be      ones that you have done, but after taking
second look, you will find that they are different.
A./; the                  B.the; the                C.the;
a                  D./; a
24.As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be
in a stadium.
A.put away            B.put out                C.put
up                D.put off
25.Aluminum (铝) isn’t found free in nature, owing to its
鸦always          with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.
A.being combined                                  B.having combined
C.combine                                            D.comb ined
26.The beautiful mountain village          we spent our holiday
last year is located in