Unit 1
Lesson 1
1. be back to …回到……
2. over the summer holiday 暑假结束
3. What about …? ……怎么样?
= How about …? ……好不好?
4. some of the difference 一些差异
5. between …and ………与……之间
海清老公照片6. be back = come back 回来
= return
7. be back home 回到家
8. go back = return 回去
9. one's first day of school 某人上学的第一天
10. be in Class Two, Grade Eight 在八年级二班
11. this year 今年
12. every grade has …每个年级有……
13. many different teachers 许多各科教师
14. have classes/ lessons 上课
15. the teachers come to us 老师们来给我们上课
16. be happy to do sth. 某人做某事很高兴
17. It's fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣。
18. school begins 开始上课
19. from room to room 从一个教室到另一个教室
20. arrive from 从……来到……
21. live with sb. 和某人住在一起
22. the new school term 新学期
23. …years old ……岁
24. just like …就像……
25. Think about it! 想一想!
Lesson 2
1. many faces 许多面孔
2. one's favourite photo of oneself 某人自己最喜爱的照片
理科专业有哪些3. look at sb./ sth. 看看某人/某物
look after sb. 照顾某人
look after sth. 保管某物
look for sb./ sth. 寻某人/ 某物
look like …看起来像……
look the same 看上去很像(一样)
4. the class picture 班级照片
5. wear a red coat 穿着红外套
6. Here it is. 给你。
7.    a little boy/ girl 一个小男/ 女孩
8. take pictures/ photos/ photographs 拍照
9. bring sth. to …把某物带来……
10. about yourself 有关你自己的情况
11. How do you do? (初次见面) 你好!
12. be in the same class 在同一个班
13. wish to do sth. 想(希望)做某事
= hope to do sth.
14. wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事
15. a (big) piece of paper 一张(大)纸
Lesson 3
1. get to know = know 认识;知道
2. so beautiful 真美(如此漂亮)
3. call sb./ sth. …把某人(物)叫做……
4. be (not) married 已婚(未婚)
5. write about sb. 写有关某人的情况
6. What's the matter (with sb.)? (某人)怎么啦?
7. I think so. 我想是这样。
8. something new 一些新东西(事情)
9. write sth. down 写(记)下某事(物)
10. a student here 这里的一个学生
11. one's first question 某人的第一个问题
12. the next question 下一个问题
13. wear purple clothes 穿紫衣服
14. play the violin 拉小提琴
15. go for walks (a walk) 去散步
16. hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事(偶然)
17. hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事(习惯)
18. comb one's hair 梳头
19. get out of bed 起床
= get up
20. one more question 另一个问题
= another question
Lesson 4
1. on a school day 在上学的日子
2. on/ at the weekend 在周末
3. something different 一些不同的东西
4. all year round 一年到头
5. be made of 由……制成的
6. be made from 用……制造的
7. come/ be from 来自……
Lesson 5
1. the best sth. 最好的某物
2. new/ old clothes 新/旧衣服
3. laugh at 嘲笑
4. not …anymore 不再……
5. get out sth. 取出某物
6. the next day 第二天
7. walk into …走进……
8. someone from a movie 电影里的人
9. do to …对……做什么
10. look silly 看起来可笑
11. think of/ about 想到/考虑
12. a long time 很长一段时间
13. the second part 第二部分
Lesson 6
1. meet sb. 会见(认识)某人
2. in front of 在……前面
3.    a little nervous 有点紧张
4. be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事
= get ready to do sth.
5. introduce …to sb. 把……介绍给某人
6. someone very special 一位很特别的人
7. have been a …for + 一段时间成为……有一段时间了
8. to learn English 为了学英语
9. live here with sb. 和某人同住在这儿
10. loud people 高声喧哗的人
11. swim for exercise 游泳作为锻炼
12. play the piano 弹钢琴
13. walk to school 走路上学
= go to school on foot
14. be nervous 紧张;拘谨
15. a group of classmates 一组同学
Lesson 7
1. be on a (one) team 在一个队里
2. the other (两者中的)另一方
3. the others (三者或以上) 其他;其余的
4. shop for sth. 买东西;买某物
5. wear sth. to school 穿(戴)某物去上学
6.    a girl named …一个名叫……的女孩
7. after the movie 看完电影后
8. Good-bye for now. 就此搁笔。
9.    a funny story 一个有趣的故事
Unit 2
Lesson 9
1. school subject 学校课程(学习科目)
2. be late for ………迟到
3. have art 上美术课
4. show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物
5. some of one's sth. 某人的一些某物
6. be good at (在某方面)做得好
7. when sb. is older 某人长大了
8. much + 比较级……得多
9. in two minutes 两分钟后(将来时)
10. See you later. 回头见(再见)。
Lesson 10
1. how many hours of 多少个小时的
2. too much sth. 太多的某物(事)
3. make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做某事
4. physical education 体育课( = P.E. )
5. except sb./ sth. 除了某人/物之外
6. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事
7. be short for 是……的简称
8. the best way to do sth. 做某事的最佳方式
9. be to do sth. 是做某事
10. lots of = a lot of 许多的
11. one's math homework 某人的数学作业
12. (have) a math exam (进行)一次数学考试
13. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事
= help sb. (to) do sth.
14. some good advice on ……一些好建议
Lesson 11
1. in the hall 在饭厅
2. learn about …了解有关…的情况
3. study China 研究中国
4. tell sb. about (of) sth. 告诉某人某事
5.    a lot = much 很多;许多
6. go for a walk 去散步
7. do have sth. 确实有某物(事)
8. one's second favourite 某人第二最喜欢的
9. stop doing sth. 停止做某事
许凯八卦10. stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事
11. have school 有课
12. half past ten 十点半
13. turn out the light 关掉灯
Lesson 12
1. half an hour 半小时
2.    a quarter = fifteen minutes 一刻钟
3.    a quarter to three 差一刻三点
4.    a quarter past three 三点一刻
=    a quarter after three
5. three thirty 三点三十分
= half past three 三点半
6. Not yet. 还没有。
Lesson 13
1. look for 寻
2. (be) on time 准时;按时(时间点)
in time 及时(时间范围内)
3. work on 从事于;致力于
4. at the computer 在电脑前面
5. No noise. 禁止喧哗。
6. (be) half an hour late 迟到了半小时
7. may be 可能是
maybe = perhaps 大概;或许;多半
Lesson 14
1. learn about (通过某种途径)得知,获知(有关信息)
2. book report on sth. 有关……的读书报告
3. Chinese festivals 中国的节日
4. the Spring Festival 春节
5. Children's Day 儿童节
6. Mother's Day 母亲节
7. Father's Day 父亲节
8. Teachers' Day 教师节
9. take …to …带(领)……去……
10. be called = be named 被叫(称) 做……
Lesson 15
1. give a talk 作报告
2. have a talk 听报告
3. we each (复数) 我们每个人
= each of us (单数)
4.    a picture of the ocean 一幅海洋图画
5. last summer 去年夏天李天一另外四人
6. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
7. comb one's hair ten times 某人梳发十下
8. stand up 站起来;竖起来
9. be surprised 吃惊;惊讶
10. show sb. sth. 给某人展示某物
中国父亲节的来历简介Unit 3
Lesson 17
1. families celebrate together 合家欢庆
2. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
3. watch the moon 赏月