When referring to history, some big events or historic figures may pop into our minds. That’s also what many history dramas are showing us. Yet, a recent Chinese drama – Under the Microscope which aired on iQIYI – turns to the lives of the ordinary people during the Ming Dynasty.
The drama opens with the story of a young man called Shuai Jiamo helping measure the land for a farming family, but only to find the calculation result is different from what’s recorded on the land deed. This “small event” lays the groundwork for the silk tax case later and introduces the problem of tax injustice in that era. Following Shuai and his friends’ fight
2022除夕春晚节目单to solve the problem, Under the Microscope gradually presents viewers with a realistic and vivid picture of the lives of ordinary civilians at the bottom.
贾乃亮和李小璐离婚该剧一开场,一个名叫帅家默(张若昀 饰)的年轻人帮助一家村民丈量田地,却发现计算得出的田亩数与地契上的数字不符。这桩“小事”为后来的丝绢案埋下伏笔,最终揭露出当时社会税收不公的问题。《显微镜下的大明》讲述了帅家默和朋友们为拨乱反正而努力的故事,逐渐向观众展现了一幅现实而生动的平民生活画卷。
Many details in the drama also help viewers get closer to ancient lives. For example, it shows people cutting silver to give change and carrying certificates for travel. It also shows the customs that the ordinary enjoyed like datiehua or molten iron fireworks and dragon dance.
The drama was adapted from the book with the same name by Ma Boyong. “Only learning the situation of the ordinary people can help us gain a better understanding of each order and law from the government and then the changes of the history,” Ma wrote in the book.
History, in fact, is a collection of stories of people. Though some people were brought to the spotlight for different reasons, it never becomes an excuse to take the “little” people for granted. After all, they are the main part of history and also the most direct thrust to influence the course of history.