外贸术语 -回复火影忍者541
    1. Thank you for your kind inquiry. 谢谢您的询盘。
    2. We are writing to confirm receipt of your inquiry of XX date and thank you for your interest in our products. 我们收到了XX日期的询盘,并感谢您对我们产品的兴趣。
    3. Please find attached our quotation/price list/catalogue. 请见附件我们的报价/价格表/目录。
    4. Our products are of high quality/competitive price. 我们的产品品质优良/价格有竞争力。
梦见有人追杀我    5. We hope to establish a long-term business relationship with you. 我们希望与您建立长期的业务合作关系。
刘硕关昕    货品退回是外贸交易中重要的节目之一。当客户对所购买的货品不满意时,及时、准确地回复可以缓解矛盾,维护企业形象。以下是常用的回复术语:
    1. We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the goods. 我们很遗憾听到您对货品不满意。
梁汉文电影    2. Could you please provide us with more details about the problem? 请您提供详细的问题情况。
    3. We would like to offer you a replacement/refund. 我们可以提供换货/退款。
    4. Please send the goods back to us within XX days. 请您在XX天内将货品寄回。
    5. We are committed to providing the best service for our customers. 我们一直致力于为客户提供最好的服务。
    1. Thank you for your message/email. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 谢谢您的留言/邮件。我们会尽快回复。
    2. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. 我们对给您带来的不便表示歉意。
    3. Could you provide us with the order/ticket number? 请您提供订单/售后单号。
    4. We will send someone to your site to solve the problem. 我们会派人前去处理问题。生理健康
    5. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. 如果您有其他问题,请随时。
    1. Thank you for your inquiry about our products/ services. 谢谢您对我们产品/服务的询问。
    2. We are pleased to offer you our best price/quality. 我们很高兴为您提供最优价格/品质。
    3. Could you please let us know your thoughts on this offer/contract? 请您告诉我们您对报价/合同的想法。
    4. We are willing to sign a long-term contract with you. 我们愿意与您签署长期合同。
    5. We appreciate your business and look forward to further cooperation. 我们感谢您的合作,期待进一步的合作。