导读:整容李泉 范晓萱(cosmetic surgery)真是让人又爱又恨。能变成美丽灵药,当然也能变成致命的。可即便有风险,仍有越来越多的人愿意铤而走险,这究竟是 “完美强迫症”驱使,还是“丑陋恐惧症”作祟?我们又该如何正确认识自己,追求“美丽效应”呢?
The tragic death of celebrity Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular.
Denny Chen, a 27-year-old Beijing hairdresser, dropped his plans for vision-correcting laser surgery because of the news. "I`m afraid the same thing might happen to me, so I`ve decided to forget the surgery," he says.
It seems the aspiring singer Wang Bei has finally achieved the fame and influence that eluded her during her lifetime.
A common thread of online discussion is why someone considered beautiful was so dissatisfied with her looks. Some netizens said Wang was a victim of society`s unrealistic ideal of beauty: double eyelids, an aquiline nose and the pointed chin typical of Western celebrities. Others said her death underscores the limits to which people will go to achieve fame and fortune.
Wang`s death highlights the fact that cosmetic surgery has become one of China`s bigge
st beauty secrets. Last year an estimated 15 billion yuan ($2.2 billion) was spent on cosmetic surgery and the figure is expected to rise 20 percent annually, a China Central Television report concluded.
The US-based International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ranks China first in Asia in terms of the number of procedures performed in 2009. Worldwide, China is third, after Brazil, while the United States is first.
As the wealthy and middle-class segments of the Chinese population expand - and as celebrity culture takes an even firmer hold - people are becoming more conscious of their looks and are willing to go to great lengths to enhance them.
Meanwhile, Young people see cosmetic surgery as the key to wealth and love."They want to improve their appearance to find better opportunities at work and in marriage," says Ding Xiaobang, a plastic surgeon with the Peking Union Medical College Hospital.
"We`re living in a highly competitive society. People regard appearance as a weapon and a means of empowerment ... Most of them tell me, `I don`t care how much I spend, just make me look beautiful`."
Meanwhile, experts say, young and beautiful people who still seek plastic surgery need to
address their self-awareness issues and be more accepting.
"They`ve built their identity around the admiration of others and fail to establish a system to assess themselves," says Zhu Wenbo, a psychologist with Blue Bay Psychological Consulting Center in Chengdu. "People`s opinions always change, so this is not a reliable way to evaluate oneself."
Tips from a surgeon and psychologist if you`re considering cosmetic surgery:
1. Choose regular, qualified hospitals, especially those with a good reputation for these procedures. Avoid beauty salons.
1. 选择规范、有资质的医院,特别是在整容技术方面享有良好声誉的,切不可去美容院做整容手术。
2. Try to find an expert surgeon who agrees with your views on beauty and will not suggest several operations over time.
2. 一位整容专家,确保其意见和你的审美观点相吻合,并且他/她不会建议在一段时间内多次开刀。
3. Do not expect too much from changing your appearance. There are limitations and safety should be the priority.
4. Have a realistic understanding of the risks of the surgery (death, injury, failure), and thi
nk about what the results will be in the immediate and long term, as the operation may be irreversible. Make a balanced decision and do not rush into surgery.
那英老公4. 切实认识到整容的风险(死亡、受伤、失败),要考虑其直接和长期的结果。因为一旦做了手术就不能再次还原容貌了。总之自己做好决策,切勿操之过急。