rdesktop 命令
I need some time to connect the windows systems. I have used Remmina which is capable of VNC, SSH, RDP, etc. But all
just need RDP. Remmina is a very talented application but I do not need so much talent. I just need RDP and I want to use my screen very efficiently. Remmina shows menus I don’t use and get space from my screen. I decided to used rdesktop which have a lot of option about RDP protocol. But it does not have extra protocols like VNC,  SSH, etc. But it does not need them for rdesktop I have other practical solutions for them. Now speaking is enough for now, let’s go to the usage of rdesktop.
我需要⼀些时间来连接Windows系统。 我使⽤了Remmina,它具有VNC,SSH,RDP等功能,但是都只需要RDP。 Remmina是⼀个⾮常有才华的应⽤程序,但是我不需要那么多才华。 我只需要RDP,我想⾮常有效地使⽤我的屏幕。 Remmina会显⽰我不使⽤的菜单,并从屏幕上获取空间。 我决定使⽤rdesktop,它在RDP协议⽅⾯有很多选择。 但是它没有像VNC,SSH这样的额外协议。但是对于rdesktop不需要它们。我还有其他实⽤的解决⽅案。 现在来说就⾜够了,让我们来看⼀下rdesktop的⽤法。
安装Rdesktop (Install Rdesktop)唐骏语录
为Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali安装 (Install For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)
$ sudo apt install rdesktop
Install Rdesktop
为Fedora,CentOS和RedHat安装 (Install For Fedora, CentOS, and RedHat)
$ sudo yum install rdesktop
$ sudodnf install rdesktop
Rdesktop语法 (Rdesktop Syntax)
The syntax of the rdesktop is like below.
`OPTIONS` are provided to set the configuration of the remote desktop.
提供了“ OPTIONS”来设置远程桌⾯的配置。
`SERVER` is the remote RDP server IP address or hostname with the port number if it is different from default RDP port.
Rdesktop帮助信息 (Rdesktop Help Information)
Help information about the rdesktop can be displayed without providing any option to the rdesktop command like below.
$ rdesktop
Rdesktop Help Information
连接RDP服务器指定⽤户名(Connect RDP Server Specifying Username)
We will start with a simple example where we will provide the username for the RDP connection. We do not provide any password or option. Of course, we have to provide the RDP server IP address or hostname too.
我们将从⼀个简单的⽰例开始,我们将提供RDP连接的⽤户名。 我们不提供任何密码或选项。 当然,我们也必须提供RDP服务器IP地址或主机名。
$ rdesktop -u ismail
使⽤密码连接远程桌⾯ (Connect Remote Desktop with Password)
We will start with a simple and basic example. We will provide the remote system IP address and password. Password will be provided with the -p option.
我们将从⼀个简单的基本⽰例开始。 我们将提供远程系统的IP地址和密码。 密码将与-p选项⼀起提供。
$ rdesktop -p myPass123.,)
设置位深度:-a⽀持16,24,32 (Set bit depth: with -a which supports 16,24,32)
The connection to the remote system will show us the remote console. This console will have some image quality which can be set during connection with the -a parameter. We can specify different quality where 16 is faster but show less quality. Other levels are 24 and 32 where 32 is the highest quality.
与远程系统的连接将向我们显⽰远程控制台。 该控制台将具有某些图像质量,可以在与-a参数连接期间进⾏设置。 我们可以指定其他质量,其中16更快,但显⽰质量更低。 其他级别是24和32 ,其中32是最⾼质量。
$ rdesktop -a 16
禁⽤加密 (Disable Encryption)
By default, the remote connection is encrypted for security reasons. We can disable encryption if we do not require it. We will use -E option to disable transmission encryption.
默认情况下,出于安全原因,对远程连接进⾏加密。 如果不需要,我们可以禁⽤加密。 我们将使⽤-E选项禁⽤传输加密。
$ rdesktop -E
⾼速缓存连接以提⾼速度和效率 (Cache Connection For Speed and Efficiency)
During connection, some parts of the console graphics are cached for performance reasons. We can enable this cache with the -P option which will make our remote desktop usage faster and responsive.
在连接过程中,出于性能原因,会缓存控制台图形的某些部分。 我们可以使⽤-P选项启⽤此缓存,这将使我们的远程桌⾯使⽤更快且响应更快。
$ rdesktop -P
压缩传输 (Compress Transmission)
During data transmission, we can enable compression which will save network usage a little bit.
$ rdesktop -z
设置屏幕分辨率 (Set Screen Resolution)
The remote desktop connection will have some screen resolution where we can also set it during the initial connection. We can use the -g option where we can provide local resolution with a percentage like %100 which means full screen. Or we can provide a pixel count resolution like 1200x800
远程桌⾯连接将具有⼀定的屏幕分辨率,我们也可以在初始连接期间对其进⾏设置。 我们可以使⽤-g选项,在此我们可以以%100类的百分⽐提供本地分辨率,这表⽰全屏显⽰。 或者我们可以提供像素数分辨率,例如1200x800
$ rdesktop -g 100%
设置键盘图或输⼊语⾔ (Set Keyboardmap or Input Language)
The remote desktop connection will redirect our keystrokes to the remote desktop. Remote system default keyboard map may different than ours. We can explicitly specify the keymap we want to use during connection with the -k option. In this example, we will use tr keyboard which is Turkish.
远程桌⾯连接会将我们的击键重定向到远程桌⾯。 远程系统默认键盘映射可能与我们的不同。 我们可以使⽤-k选项明确指定要在连接期间使⽤的键盘映射。 在此⽰例中,我们将使⽤⼟⽿其语的tr Keyboard。
$ rdesktop -k tr 192.168.10
设置窗⼝字幕测试 (Set Window Caption Test)
The remote desktop connection windows will generally have some name that describes the connection. We can set window caption with the -T option and providing some test which is win8in this case.
远程桌⾯连接窗⼝通常会有⼀些描述连接的名称。 我们可以使⽤-T选项设置窗⼝标题,并提供⼀些测试,在这种情况下为win8 。
$ rdesktop -T win8 192.168.10
rdesktop 命令