年 级:四年级                          科 目:英语                      课时数:3
课    题
四年级上Module3 Unit3同步知识巩固
Unit 3  In the shop
Step1: Free talk 
a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a bottle of water
Can I help you?
兰州市中考How much is it/ are they?
May I have?
Step2: Lead in— 英语小笑话
Two Birds
Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?
Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.
Teacher: Please tell us.
Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.

老师: 这儿有两只鸟,一只是麻雀。谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀吗?
Step3: Words and expressions. 
I. Words 单词
1.bowl  n.碗
  [例句] He had two bowls of noodles in no time. 他很快就吃完了两碗面。
  [记忆链接] plate盘子  chopsticks筷子
2.chocolate  n.巧克力
  [例句] She gives out a bar of chocolate to each child. 她分给每个孩子一条巧克力。
3.glasses  n.(pl.)眼镜改变一生
  [例句] Do you have a small glasses? 你有小点的眼镜吗?
4.magic  adj.有魔力的
  [例句] Can you do magic tricks? 你会变魔术吗?
5.noodle  n.面条
  [例句] He finished off two bowls of chicken soup in no time. 他很快喝完了两碗鸡汤。
6.panda  n. 熊猫
  [例句] Many goods in China have the trademarks of a panda. 中国的许多商品都带有熊猫的商标。
7.section  n.部分;部门
  [例句] A Reading Practice section is added to each unit in Book Two. 在第二册书里每个单元都加上了阅读练习部分。
8.smoke  n.烟
  [例句] The house is full of smoke.满屋子都是烟。
9.spider  n.蜘蛛
  [例句] A spider spins a web in which it catches insects for its food. 蜘蛛结网,用于捕捉各种昆虫。
10.worry  n.担心
  [例句] She is always worrying about little things.她老是为小事烦恼。
Ⅱ. Daily Expressions常用语
1.Don't worry. 别担心。
2.Can I help you? 你想要点什么?
3.A small packet of sweets,please.请给我一小袋糖。
  …,please.表示“请……”,在我们的日常生活中,该句型常用来表达某人想要吃/买某物,口语中经常出现。please用在句末一般要用“,”隔开,用上please可使语气变得委婉。例如:An ice cream,please.(我想要)一个冰淇淋。回答时用:Here you are.给你。
4.How much is it? 多少钱?
  How much…可以用来表示不可数名词量的多少、表示价钱的多少以及到了什么程度三层含义。在本单元中我们所学的How much…用来表示价钱的多少,用来询问某物的价钱是多少,胸物时的常用语。例如:
  -How much is the pen? 钢笔多少钱一支?
  -Ten yuan,please.请付十元。
  在问价格时,be动词用单数“is”还是复数“are”必须根据购买物品的单复数来决定。例如:How much is the bunch of bananas? 一串香蕉多少钱 How much are they?它们多少钱?
1.量词a bottle of, a packet of, a box of, a bag of…
  (l) a tube of toothpaste一管牙膏      (2) a piece/slice of bread 一片面包
  (3) a sheet/piece of paper 一张纸    (4) a jar of honey 一罐蜂蜜
  (5) a loaf of bread 一条面包            两条面包:two loaves of bread,“loaf"是指那种整块的长条形的面包)
  (6) a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉 (bunch还可以解释成“束,卷,团”)
  (7) a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力
    a packet of sweets 一袋糖        a glass of water 一杯水
    a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡        a bag of flour 一袋面粉
    two glasses of juice两杯果汁      five bottles of jam五瓶果酱
    some books    some kites    some blue cars    some red scarves
    some milk    some juice    some butter      some jam
    肯定句:There is some jam in the bottle.
    否定句:There isn't any jam in the bottle.
    肯定句:I have got some chocolate.
否定句:I haven't got any chocolate.
在疑问句中,一般不用some,只有当问句表示一种邀请或者请求,或者期待一个肯定的回答时才能用some。回答可以是:Yes,please.或者No,thank you.
    左图:小明想请小红喝果汁,于是就可以这么说:“Will you have some juice?”(你喝果汁吗?)
    右图:小明见小红的果汁快喝完了,并确定小红会再要点果汁,于是他询问:“Would you like some more juice?”(你还要些果汁吗?)。
用a, an, some填空
1. I have got_________ coffee.
2. _________ice cream, please.
3. _________small bottle of juice is four yuan.
4. There is _________water in the bottle.
5.  —How much is _________packet of sugar? —Ten yuan.
【keys】1.some 2.An 3.A 4.some 5.a 6.some
I. 选择填空。
(        ) 1. A _________of juice, please.
A. bag                    B. packet                      C. bottle
(        ) 2. —_________is the toy bus?  —It's fifteen yuan.
A. How                    B. How much                  C. How me
(        ) 3. Give the _________pear to Grandma. I want the small one.
A. small                    B. big                        C. a
(        ) 4. —_________have you got? —Some flowers.
A. What                    B. How                        C. Who
(        ) 5. A packet _________sugar is three yuan.
A. of                      B. for                          C. at
(        ) 6. Kitty has got _________water.
A. a                      B. a bottle                      C. some
(        ) 7. A sandwich is a_________.
A. circle                  B. triangle                      C. square
(        ) 8. There _________some coffee in the cup.
A. am                      B. is                          C. are
【keys】1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B
II. 看图完成句子。
1. A人体模特潜规则          of juice is five yuan
  A          of bread is eight yuan
2. —A large          of juice, please.
—Here                    .
                    is it?
  — Seven yuan, please.
【keys】1. bottle, loaf 2.bottle, you are, How much
III. 读短文,选择正确答案。
It is half past four. Jane and Tom are in the supermarket now. Jane has got eight yuan. Tom has got ten yuan. The supermarket is very big. They can see clothes, food, fruit and flowers in it. Jane likes chocolate. A large packet of chocolate is twelve yuan. A small packet of chocolate is seven yuan. Tom is thirsty. A large bottle of orange juice is eleven yuan. A large bottle of apple juice is ten yuan. Jane has got the chocolate and Tom has got the juice. They are happy.
(        ) 1. Jane and Tom are in the _________now.
A. supermarket          B. toy shop              C. food shop
(        ) 2. Which chocolate can Jane buy?
A. The large one.        B. The small one.          C. Both.
(        ) 3. Which juice can Tom buy?
A. The orange juice.      B. The apple juice.          C. Both.
【keys】1.A 2.B 3.B
Hi,I'm Edward Law.You can call me Eddie.(此人姓Law,名字是Edward,昵称是Eddie,所以为了表示交往中的亲切和随意,他希望别人叫他Eddie。)
Step4: Homework
I. Read and write (按要求写单词)
1.  she's got (完整形式) __________        2. here(同音词)    __________   
3.  much (同类词)        __________        4. do not (缩写形式) __________   
5.  loaf (复数)        __________        6. two(同音词)      __________
范志博老公7.  glasses(单数)      __________        8. bread (同类词)      __________
II. Choose the best answertoy (选择填空)
(        ) 1. How much ________a loaf of bread?
A. are                      B. is                      C. am
(        ) 2. Look, Jack’s got _________glasses.
A. a bottle                  B. a pair of                  C. a packet of
(        ) 3. ________run in the classroom.
A. Do                      B. Not                    C. Don't
(        ) 4. May I have _________food?
A. some                    B. many                    C. any
(        ) 5. Let _________have a glass of juice.
A. us                      B. is                      C. has
(        ) 6. What’s in the packet? _________it and see.
A. Open                    B. Close                    C. Play
(        ) 7. Don’t eat too _________chocolate.
A. some                    B. much                    C. many
(        ) 8. _________Sam got any water?
A. Is                      B. Has                    C. Does
(        ) 9. The green frog is _________the leaf.
A. on                      B. in                      C. over
(        ) 10. Is this your father’s bicycle? Yes, it’s ________bicycle.
A. my                      B. he's                    C. his
III. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改写句子)
1. The bread is nine yuan. (划线提问)
2. Ben’s got a packet of chocolates. (划线提问)
3. There are some ice-creams in the shop. (改为单数句)
4. Are these glasses fourteen forest yuan? (改为肯定句)
5. There are some sweets on the desk.  (改为一般疑问句)
IV. Read and choose (阅读选择)
Kitty’s got a parrot in the cage. It’s green and yellow. It’s very beautiful. Kitty calls it Co-co. It can talk. It can sing. But it can’t swim. Kitty likes if very much. Kitty likes to take it to school. Her class teacher, Miss Wang is very angry. She says, “Don’t bring your parrot here. Here is our school. ” Kitty says, “I m sorry.”
(        ) 1. The green and yellow parrot ________in the cage.
A. are                            B. is                          C. has
(          ) 2. What’s the meaning of Co-co? ________.
A. Kitty’s class teacher.              B. The parrot’s name.            C. Kitty's name.
(        ) 3. Kitty likes ________the parrot to school.
A. take                            B. taking                      C. takeing
(        ) 4. Kitty’s class teacher ________her parrot.
A. likes                            B. doesn’t' t like                C. not like
(        ) 5. The parrot ________swim.
A. don't                            B. can                        C. can't
I. 1. she has got 2. hear 3. many 4. don't 5. loaves 6. too/to 7. glass 8. juice
II. l.B 2. B 3.C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C
III. 1. How much is the bread? 2. How many packets of chocolates has Ben got? 3. There is an ice —cream in the shop. 4. These glasses are fourteen forest yuan. 5. Are there any sweets on the desk?
IV. l.B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C