W: Michael, I heard your jazz band is goingto be playing at the Student Center and I’m justcalling to let you know I’ll be there.
M: Oh, thanks, but I’m not in the band any more. In fact, I’m not in a group at all right now.W: That’s too bad—you’re such a talented musician. Why did you leave thegroup?M: I just couldn’t be a full-time student and still practice with the band every night. I alsomissed a couple of  performances during  my  midterm  exams, and I thought I’d better quitbefore the bandleader fired me.
W:  Hey, you know my friend Charlie, don’t you? He plays the piano. He and some of hisfriends  are getting a band together and they need a good singer.
M: I wouldn’t have time for that, either.
漂亮av女优W: Oh, I don’t think they’ll practice very often. Charlie and his friends are all students, too.I’ll give you his number, and you can get in touch with him.
M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?
W: Yes, it’s nine pounds fifteen.
(Text 1)
M: I’ll leave around five thirty. My flight is at seven o’ clock.
W: You’d better leaveearlier. Rush hour starts at five o’ clock.
(Text 2)
M: I’ve been receiving the magazine School Life for the past two years.
W: Is it published monthly?
M: It was until last year. Now it comes out weekly.
(Text 3)
M: I don’t suppose you’re free to goskating Saturday evening, are you?
W: Actually, I am. I was planning to go to a lecture with my sister, but it was called off.(Text 4)
W: Look, it’s already eight. Tom said he’d be here by seven.
M: Yes, but you know what the traffic is like this time of evening.
W: He said he’d try not to be late. Why does he always do this? I’ve had enough this time.
(Text 5)
W: Can I help you?
M: I’d like some suits that I can wear at the office as well as on weekends.
W: Let me show you our new fall collection. There are several styles that are just whatyou’re looking for.
(Text 6)
W: Good morning.
M: Morning. What can I do for you?
W: I’d like a ticket to New York, please.
M: Round trip?
W: No, one way.
M: OK. That’ll be fifty-five dollars.
W: Fifty-five? Last time I took this coach it was only fifty. Hmm, does the coach still leave attwo fifteen?
M: Two fifteen at Gate 11. You ought to be at the door by two o’clock, though.
W: Fine.
M: Do you want to check in your suitcases?
W: Just two. I’ll carry the other one with me.
M: That’s good. We can only check in two of them anyway. Give thesebaggage tickets to thedriver when
you get to New York.
W: OK. Thanks.
M: You’re welcome. Have a good trip.
听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 7)
M: Are you quite independent of your parents now?
W: Yes. As soon as I left school and started my studies as a nurse, I stopped asking myparents for money
since I got financial support from the government. But I still stay with them a lot.M: You seem very close to your parents.
W: I am. They never forced me to do anything I didn’twant to do. What about you?M: Well, I’m also fond of my family, but I don’t always get on very well with them. They tryto control
me too much.
W: But they allowed you to come to study in England on your own!
M: Yes, but only after a lot of persuasion! Your parents treat you as an adult; mine treat meas a child.
(Text 8)
Boys and girls, can I have your attention, please? This is a message for Grades 7 and 8.
Because of
the rain the swimming competition will not be held at the New Town Swimming Pool asplanned. It will be held at the Jackson Sports Center. Buses will be leaving school at 10 totake you to the Center. You will be returning to school this afternoon to catch your usualbuses home. Now here are the arrangements for this morning. Grade 7 and their teachersare to gather at the front gate at 9:35. The使用干粉灭火器的方法步骤