What Is A Coronavirus
There is more than one kind of coronavirus. Most
coronaviruses (冠状病毒) cause illnesses similar to
the flu or the common cold. All coronaviruses have
a  specific  shape. They are in the form of a ball with
spikes (突起)on it that look just like a crown . The
term “corona” comes from Latin which means “crown.” About The 2019 Outbreak
The 2019 outbreak (暴发) of the coronavirus
is believed to have originated  in Wuhan, China. It
has since spread to other countries including Japan,
Australia, and the United States. This new type of
coronavirus is responsible  for the current outbreak.
This specific virus  is very similar to the SARS
Coronavirus Outbreak
王希茜 /编译
and MERS viruses which were responsible for two outbreaks several years ago.
How Are Coronaviruses Transmitted
Coronaviruses are known as zoonotic, meaning that they can be transmitted from animals to people. Different types of coronaviruses are common among different animals such as camels, cattle, bats, and cats. Sometimes when people deal with these animals, the viruses are transmitted to people, often after mutating(变异). Mutation happens when the DNA or RNA of a virus changes a little.
As soon as the coronaviruses end up in a human being, they are mostly transmitted through respiratory fluids(飞沫). Coronaviruses are airborne, which means that they are transmitted through air by coughing, sneezing(喷嚏)etc. They can also be transmitted through close contact with the infected person.
The milder symptoms(症状)of this coronavirus are fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhea (腹泻), and body aches. More severe symptoms can be pneumonia(肺炎), kidney failure(肾衰竭), and death. Effects are worse for people who have weaker immune systems(免疫系统), already have health conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病)or asthma(哮喘), and for older people. 这次疫情暴发的罪魁祸首。这种特殊的病毒与多年前导致两次疫情暴发的“SARS”(严重急性呼吸综合征)和“MERS”(中东呼吸综合征)病毒非常相似。
specific /spə'sɪfɪk/adj. 特定的;特有的
There are several specific problems to be dealt with.有好几个特定问题要解决。
crown/kraʊn/n. 王冠
This crow n was made especially for the King.王冠是专为国王制造的。
originate /ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt/ v. 起源于;来自
Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US.尽管这项技术起源于英国,但它在美国得到了发展。
The news spread fast.消息散布得很快。
responsible/rɪ'spɒnsəbl/adj. 负有责任的;需承担责任的
Who is responsible for this terrible mess? 谁把这儿搞得乱七八糟的?
我们在阅读生词较多的科普类文章时,可以运用一些阅读技巧,来猜测生词的意思。拿原文中出现的两个生词举例:zoonotic 和airborne 。
在阅读中,我们经常会遇到一些由熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词。因此,掌握一些常用的词根、词缀,对猜测词意很有帮助。根据构词法,zoonotic 可以拆分成zoo 和notic 。
单词zoo 的意思很简单,但作为词根,它表示“动物”(animal )。而notic 对我们来说,是一个生词,但根据词缀-tic 可以判断,-tic 是形容词词尾。实际上,zoonotic 来自zoonosis (复数为zoonoses ),意思是“动物传染病的”。
在首次出现的专业词汇后面,通常会有对它的解释,形式包括从句、插入语、表语等。比如,airborne 这个词出现后,直接用一个定语从句which means that they are transmitted 来对它做详细的解释,这就很容易让读者猜出词意,即“空气传播的”。考点详解
Reading comprehension  阅读全文,回答问题或选择正确答案
1. Explain why the virus shown right cannot be a coronavirus.
2. Imagine that your friend is going to an area which has
known cases of the coronavirus. What advice would you give
your friend on how to stay safe?3. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of coronavirus?
A. Body aches
苹果手机应用软件B. Diarrhea
C. Dry cough
D. Pimples (脓包)all over the body
参考答案:1. B e c a u s e  o f  i t s  d i f f e r e n t  s h a p e .(你能解释右边的图片为何不是冠状病毒吗?)  2. W e a r  a  m a s k , w a s h  y o u r  h a n d s , s t a y  a w a y  f r o m  c r o w d e d  p e o p l e .(假如你的朋友即将前往有冠状病毒病例的地区,你能给他一些自我防护的建议吗?)3. D
我来挑战virus/'vaɪrəs/n. 病毒This is a new kind of viruses  in the computer.这是一种新的电脑病毒。
transmit/trænz'mɪt/v. 传播;传递
Some diseases are transmitted  from one generation to the next.有些疾病是世代遗传的。infected/ɪn'fɛktɪd/adj. 受感染的After the operation the wound became infected . 手术后,伤口受到了感染。