1. The books ____ for two weeks.
A. may be kept
B. may keep
C. borrow
D. are borrowed
2. The number of Tik Tok users(抖音用户) ____ sharply since Tik Tok in 2016.
A. has risen; appeared
B. have been risen; appeared
C. have raised; was appeared
D. has been raised; was appeared
3. Susan, do your homework quickly. We'll go for a picnic as soon as your homework ____.
A. finishes
B. will finish
C. is finished
D. will be finished
4. Mom said, "You can watch TV after your homework ____.”
A. completes
B. is completed
C. has completed
D. completing
5. I found that the words we should pay attention to ____ down.
A. writing
B. write
C. were written
D. being written
6. This kind of book sells well and ____ out in this bookshop.
A. is sold
B. sells
C. sold
D. are sold
7. The computer needs ____. I think I need ____ to ask Mr. Zhang for help.
A. fixing; going
B. to fix; going
C. fixing; to go
D. to fix; to go
8. -Do you know the two giant pandas Da Mao and Er Shun ____ to China by Canada's Calgary Zoo due to the difficulty of getting their food of fresh bamboo?
-Yes, but the date hasn't been decided.
A. will return
B. will be returned
C. were returned
9. -Do you know who will be chosen as this year's exchange students to our sister school in New York?
-No, this question ____ at present. Let's wait until the name list comes out.
A. has been discussing
B. will be discussed
C. is being discussed
10. -The work ____ in two hours.
-No problem. Let's do it now.
A. should have finished
B. must be finished
C. must finish
11. -What's wrong with your grandpa's flower?
-Most plants require regularly ____.
A. to water
B. watering
C. to be water
12. After the Chinese spacecraft's landing on Mars ____ on May 16,2021, we felt even prouder of our country.
A. announces
B. announced
C. were announced
D. was announced
13. I won't go to her party unless my best friend Jack ____.
A. will invite
B. will be invited
C. is invited
D. invites
14. -Over the past 70 years, China's high-speed railway ____ fast.
-That's rue. The project of Yancheng-Nantong High-speed Railway that goes through Rugao ____by the end of this year.
A. has developed; will be completed
B. is developing; will complete
C. has developed; will complete
D. is developing; will be completed
15. Math is difficult ____, so you should practice more.
A. for learning
B. to learn
C. with learning
D. about learning
16. Mr Jackson has no idea ____.
A. when was telephone invented
B. when telephone invented
C. when telephone was invented
D. when telephone is invented
17. It's known that food and medicine must ____ at a low temperature.
A. keep
B. be kept
C. be keeping
D. to keep
18. Train tickets ____ out. We had to take a bus.速冻包子
A. sold
B. sells
C. were sold
D. are sold
19. An important report about English study ____ in the Worker's Palace next week. Would you like to join us?
A. will be given
B. will give
C. would be given
D. would give
20. Mark thinks he ____ to choose his own clothes, because he is no longer a child.
A. should allow
B. should be allowed
C. shouldn't allow
D. shouldn't be allowed
21. -Excuse me. When can we have the steak we ordered?
-Not until it ____ in ten minutes.
A. will be prepared
B. is prepared
C. has prepared
D. was prepared
美服魔兽世界22. The English Festival ____ every two years in our school.
A. is taken place
B. is taking place
C. takes place
D. holds
23. Yang Liwei, together with 13 other pilots of the PLA Air Force, ____ to be an astronaut in January, 1998.
A. is chosen
B. are chosen
C. were chosen
D. was chosen
24. -Do you have Jay's CDs?
-Sorry, they are ____, but I will get some more next week because they ____.
A. sold out; sell well
B. on sale; are sold well
C. sold out; are sold well
D. on sale; sell well
25. A question was ____ by the reporter, "Mr. President, the price of rice ____ greatly recently. How are you going to deal with the problem?"
A. raised; has risen
B. risen; is raising
C. raised; is raising
D. risen; has risen
26. Nobody but doctors or nurses and those ____ by Dr. Li ____ to enter the patient's room.
A. being invited; allowed
B. are invited; are allowed
C. invited; is allowed
D. invited; are allowed
27. The physicists propose that our attention ____ the use of special methods of thinking and acting.
A. would be directed towards
B. be directed towards
C. is directed towards
陈坤老婆D. direct towards
28. The milk ____ strange. Do you think it's OK to drink?
A. was tasted
B. tasted
C. is tasting
D. tastes
29. -The 2022 Winter Olympics ____ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.
-Yes. And my best friend will ____ his girl friend at that time.
A. will hold; marry
B. will be held; get married with
C. will be taken place; get married to
D. will take place; marry
30. The shoes were worn out, what's more, they aren't worth ____.
A. to mend
B. mending
C. mended
由for two weeks可知此处只能用延续性动词,先排除CD选项;主语books 和谓语keep是被动关系,may表示“可以”,情态动词,用含有情态动词的被动语态,其结构是:主语+情态动词+be done。故选A。
2.题干是由since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,其主语“The number
of Tik Tok users”表示“抖音用户的数量”,谓语动词应使用第三人称单数形式,排除选项B和C;从句用一般过去时,appear表示“出现”,是不及物动词,没有被动形式,排除选项D;故选A。
3.as soon as引导的时间状语从句,需满足主将从现,排除BD;主语your