Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案
(    ) 1. Chinese kung fu        throughout the world by the twentieth century.
A) spread        B) has been spread    C) had been spread  D) spreads
解析】by +过去的时间用过去完成时,中国功夫和传播之间是被动关系,所以选C。
(    ) 2. You'd better change your wet shoes,        ?
A) didn’t you    B) hadn’t you    C) wouldn’t you      D) don’t you
【解析】反义疑问句要遵循“前肯后否、前否后肯”的原则。had better改反义疑问句时直接用had。选B。
(    ) 3. What        people usually王祖贤个人简历资料        on Christmas Eve?
A) are, eating      B)will, eat      C)do, eat            D)did, eat
(    ) 4.---How long        in Beijing?
---A whole week since last Thursday.
A) was he        B) will he stay    C)has he stayed      D)did he stay
(    ) 5.We        each other since 1991.
A) Haven’t seen    B)Didn’t see    C) hadn’t seen        D)don’t see
(    ) 6.It        five years since I came to this city after finishing middle school.
A)was            B)had been      C)has been          D) have been
【解析】“自....以来多长时间”的表达方式:1. It is+一段时间+since+一般过去时;2.It has been +一段时间+since+一般过去时。所以答案是C。
(    ) 7. Mary can’t be in the classroom. I        her in the library just now.
A) had seen        B) has seen      C) see              D) saw
【解析】just now“刚才”,用一般过去时。选D。香港性感女星
(    ) 8. I won’t buy this book because I        it before.
A) was reading    B) have read      C) had read          D) read
(    ) 9. What language        people speak in his country?
A) does          B)do            C) will              D) did
(    ) 10. The boss        their salaries to $1, 000 a week.
A) raised        B)rose          C) was raised        D)was rose
(    ) 11. ---Have you brought your passport        ?
---Yes, I’ve        brought it.
A) yet, already        B) already, yet        C) yet, yet        D) already, just
(    ) 12.1        all the books on the reading list before I came to school yesterday.
A) have read          B) had read            C) will read      D) read
(    ) 13. ---Oh! It's you! I        you.
---Really? I have just had a new hair style.
A) didn’t recognize      B) haven’t recognized      C) don’t recognize      D) won’t recognize
(    ) 14. There        a football match between Class One and Class Two in two days.
佟大为个人资料A) is going to have      B) was going to have      C) is going to be      D) was going to be
【解析】in+时间段表示“在多长时间之后”,所以用一般将来时,There be句型的一般将来时为“there will be/ there is(are) going to be”。选C。
(    ) 15. ---Where is Mr Smith?
---He      to Nanjing. He will be back in a month.
A) will go            B) went                  C) goes              D) has gone
【解析】has been to去了某地还没有回来,所以答案是D。
(    ) 16. There        第一台计算机the bell. Class begins.
A) will go            B) go                    C) goes              D) would go
(    ) 17.It        a long time before Jenny comes back from Canada.
A) is                B) will be                C) has been          D) was
(    ) 18.It        every day so far this month.
A) rain              B) rains                  C) has rained        D) will rain
【解析】so far“到目前为止”,用现在完成时,所以选C。
(    ) 19. He has promised that he        us how to make a model plane next week.
A) will teach          B) would teach            C) has taught        D) had taught
【解析】宾语从句用中,主句是现在时,从句时态按实际情况而变,next week“下周”用一般将来时。因此答案选A。
(    ) 20. Great changes        in Shanghai in the past few years.
A) have been taken place      B) have taken place    C) took place      D) are taking place
【解析】in the past few years“在过去的几年里”用现在完成时,take place发生,无被动语态,所以选B。
(    ) 21. He told me that water        into steam when heated to 100℃.
A) would turn              B)will turn            C) turned          D) turns