母亲节英语作文 宾语从句小口诀
主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时;陈述句转化that引,一般疑问句用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。
1.have you decided ________for australia?
a. when will you leave b. when do you leave
c. you will leave when d. when you will leave岳云鹏个人资料及图片
2.can you tell me _________ ?
a. where does tom live  b. where tom lived c. tom lives where d. where tom lives
3.the old man asked me ________ .
a. where was the cinemab. where is the cinema
c. where the cinema was  d. where was the way to the cinema
4.i think _______ you will like him. a. thatb. if  c. why d. how
5.i didn’t know _______ he will come or not.  a. that  b. whether  c. weatherd. how
6.i wonder _________ .
a. how much cost these shoes  b. how much do these shoes cost
c. how much these shoes costd. how much are these shoes cost
7.she asked me _________ . a. who he wasb. who was he  c. who is he  d. who he is
8.ask him ___.
a. whose cup this is b. whose cup is this c. this is whose cup d. whose is this cup
9.i don’t know _________ .
a. what time the movie starts  b. what time starts the movie
c. the time to start the movie  d. the movie what time starts
10.the doctor asked me how long ________ .
a. was i ill  b.  have i been illc. i have been illd. i had been ill
11.the weather forecast doesn’t say _________.
a. if it rains tomorrow  b. if does it rain tomorrow
c. if it will rain tomorrow  d. if will it rain tomorrow
12.do you know _________?
a. whose pen is this  b. whose pen this is
c. whom does the pen belong tod. whom the pen belong to
13.could you tell me where _________?
a. the tape was  b. was the tapec. the tape isd. is the tape
14.they want to know _________?
a. where is the hospital  b. how old are you
c. when the train will leave  d. why is the boy crying
15.tony wanted to know _________.
a. what had father christmas put in his stocking
b. when father christmas had put in his stocking
d.  where father christmas had put in his stocking
16.no one knows ___ the professor will come to our school tomorrow to give us a talk or not.
a.when b. whether  c. where d. if
17.july didn’t know_________.
a. where is tim’s fatherb. when was the first watch made
c. who the old man is  d. what was wrong with her watch
18.no one told us _________, so we need your help.
a. how should we dob. what we should doc. what to dod. what should we do
19.we don’t know _________ with the rubbish and it pollutes out land and sea.
a. how do it b. how to do c. what do it d. what to do
20.he asked me _________.
a. whether i find out the sender of the money
六五普法>商住楼 b. whether did i find out the sender of the money
c. whether the sender of the money found out
d. whether i found out the sender of the money
21. did you hear ______? a. what did i sayb. what i said  c. i said what d. what i say
22. can you tell me ________?
a. which class you are inb. which class are you in
c. you are in which class d. are you in which class
23. ---excuse me. could you tell me _______? --- certainly.
a. when can i get to the station b. i can get to which station
c. which station can i get to  d. how i can get to the station
24. could you tell me where _______ yesterday?
a. did you go b. you go c. you have gone  d. you went
25. tom asked me ________.
a. whose shirt was this  b. whose shirt this was
c. who shirt was this  d. who shirt this was
26. excuse me, could you tell me _______?
a. where’s the teachers’ office  b. where’s the bus station
c. what’s she doing d. where the post office is
27. i want to see mrs. wang , but i don’t know _______.
a. she lives where  b. she where lives c. where she lives d. where does she live
28. --- go and ask mr. white for help. --- but i don’t know _______.
a. where does he live  b. where he lives
c. where is he livingd. he lives there
29. --- can you tell me ______? --- yes, he lives in a small town.
a. where he lives b. who is singing  c. when he will leaved. what he said
30. have you decided ______ for london?
a. when will you leave  b. when you will leave
c. when are you going  d. when you are going
31. excuse me. could you tell me ______our tickets?
a. where do we show  b. where shall we show c. where did we show d. where we shall show