Unit Five  First Aid
(1) 辅助工具;有助的东西
A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.
(2) 帮助;援助
With the aid of a neighbor, he managed to put out the fire.在邻居的帮助下,他把火扑灭了。
(3) vt.帮助  aid sb to do sth / in doing sth
I aided her to work out the problem. 我帮助她解出了那道题。
aid help, assist, “帮助”的区别
help 语气较随便。满足被帮者的迫切需要、麻烦或危险,自己没有办法。帮助者往往出于好意、同情或仁慈。
assist 意为辅助。强调辅助者所起的作用,所进行的工作往往是次要的;辅助者本身也处于从属地位。
aid 意为援助。比help正式。暗含被帮一方是弱者之意。
My mother is deaf so she has to use a hearing aid.
The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted in her first operation.
2、The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ.(p33)
essential  adj. 必要的,基本的,本质的
Hard work is essential to success. 成功必须努力工作。
It is essential to know all the facts. 了解所有的事实是必要的。
be essential for/to…  对……来说是必要的
Water is essential to the growth of crops. 水对庄稼生长是必要的。
It is essential that从句    ……是必要的
It is essential that you study English well. 你有必要把英语学好。
It is essential for sb to do … 做某事对某人来讲是必要的
It is essential for the old to save some money. 老年人存点钱是必要的。
在It is essential that从句结构中,It为形式主语,that引导主语从句,从句中谓语动词为”should +do”,should可以省略,这是高考考查的热点之一。
3、it keeps you warm or cool. (p33) 它可以保暖或御寒。
keep + O + OC
(1) keep + O + 形容词
Coat can keep you warm in winter.  冬天大衣可以保暖。
(2) keep + O + 现在分词
Oil keeps cars running. 油能使汽车运行。
(3) keep + O + 过去分词
Keep the door closed. Don’t open it. 让门关着,别打开。
(4) keep + O + 副词
Coat can keep cold out in winter. 冬天大衣可以御寒。
(5) keep + O +介词短语
Exercise keeps people in good health. 锻炼能使人身体健康。
4、You can get burned by a variety of things.(p34) 你可能由于各种原因而烧伤
variety n.
(1) 变换花样;不单调;多种多样
Life at school has plenty of variety. 学校生活多彩多样。
A job that lacks variety soon becomes tiresome. 一个单调的工作很快就会令人厌烦的。
(2) 品种
Apple is a well-known variety. 苹果是名牌。
There are several varieties of red roses. 红玫瑰有好几个品种。
a variety of  各种各样的;多种多样的
This shop has a variety of goods. 这个商店有各种各样的货物。
Plastics are made in a variety of forms. 塑料被制成各种形状。
5、These affect only the top layer of the skin.(p34) 这只损伤皮层的最上层。
affect vt.
The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响庄稼的生长。
The entire country was affected by drought. 整个国家受到干旱影响。
The news did not affect her at all. 那个消息对她没任何影响。
All the people in the room were affected to tears. 房子里所有的人都哭了。
One of my lungs has been affected so I cough. 我的一个肺感染了所以我咳嗽。
His wound has become affected. 他的上口感染了。食品公司起名
He affected illness so that need not go to work. 他装病就不需要上班了。
She affected not to see me. 她装作没看到我。
6、Take off other clothing and jewelry near the burn.(p34) 靠近烧伤面的其他衣物和首饰也都要拿掉。
take off 
I can't take my boots off, they're so tight!  靴子太紧了, 我脱不下来!
Please take off your coat, it’s warm here. 把大衣脱下来,这里很暖和。
It's exciting to feel the plane taking off. 感觉到飞机起飞令人兴奋。
My plane takes off at seven in the evening. 我乘坐的飞机晚上七点起飞。
I'll take off now, and see you later. 我现在就要走了,回头见。
The got into the car and took off for the airport. 他们上车匆匆离开去机场。
I can't take the lid off, it's stuck! 这盖子卡住了, 我拿不下来。
Why doesn’t the government take the tax off low income? 政府为什么不把低收入的所得税去掉。
Everyone takes the Spring Festival off. 每个人都休年假。
Bill was tired out so he took a day off. 比尔太累了,所以他修了一天假。
take away 拿走  take back 带回,归还  take up 举起;占(时间、空间)  take down 降下;拆毁
take in 吸收  take out 除去  take on 呈现  take over 接管
7、For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad. (p34) 对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉,需要把湿布放回到冷水盆里,拧出水后再放到烧伤面上,这样要反反复复做一个小时左右,直到不太痛为止。
张嘉倪谈婆媳关系squeeze v.
The housewife squeezed the last bit from the toothpaste tube.
I don’t want to squeeze my feet into the small shoes. 我不想把我的脚塞进小鞋里。
怎样关闭qq图标Can you squeeze any more juice from the lemon? 你还能从那个柠檬榨出汁吗?
They only want to squeeze more profits. 他们只是想榨出更多利润。
(1) squeeze from 从身上榨取
We have to squeeze an answer from him. 我们不得不从他那里榨一个答案。
(2)squeeze out 挤出
Maybe you can still squeeze out a few drops from the dry lemon.