One day , an old man was selling a big elephant . A young man came up to the elephant and began to look at it slowly . The old man went up to him and said in his ear .Dont say anythig about the elephant before I sell it . Then I will give you some meat . “”All right .said the young man . After the old man sold the elephant , he gave the young man some met and said :Now, can you tell me how you see the bad ears of the elephant ?””I didnt find the bad ears .said the young man .Then why do you look at it slowly ?asked the old man . The young man said :I never see an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.
(    )1________ the elephant.
A. The young man bought                  B. The old man sold
C. The two men sold                      D. The young man sold
(    )2. The young man looked at the elephant . He wanted to find _____.
      A. its bad ears    B. some meat    C. a good elephant      D. what it looks like
(    )3. The young man ________.
A.knew the elephant wasnt good        B. found the bad ears but didn八月十五祝福语’t tell it .
C. looked after the elephant            D. got some meat
(    )4.We know that ________.演员唐国强简历
      A. the two men were not honest        B. the young man wasn't a bad man
C. the old man was a good man         D. the elephant was a very good one
(    )5. The young man looked at the elephant slowly because he _______.
A. liked elephant                  B. wanted to buy it
C. didnt see any elephant before        D. wanted to help the old man
Mary didn not understand such sentences as She is blue today !郭富城熊黛林分手 You are yellow . He has a green thumb .萨日娜电视剧”He told a little white lie. and so on. And she went to her teacher for help .
    Mary Green In everyday English , Mary , blue sometimes means sad . Sometimes it has other meanings . Yellow means afraid .He has a green thumb means He grows plants well > And a white lie is not a bad one.
Mary :Would you give me an example ofr a white lie ?
Mrs Green:Certainly , now I give you a cake . You dont like it, but you wont say it. Instead , you say ,No, thanks ,Im not hungry .Thats a white lie.
Mary Oh, I see. Thank you very much.
(    )1.Blue sometimes means sad and is ________ English.
A. good        B. spoken      C. poor        D. useful
(    )2.I dont have a green thumb , so all my plants _________.
A. die off      B. grow well    C. look nice    D. are good
(    )3.Tom is _______ to climb the tree. He移动wlans yellow.
A. happy      B. clever        C. sad          D. afraid
(    )4.He didnt like me to know ________ of the accident . he told me a white lie.
A. the reason    B. the meaning      C. the answer      D. the true story
(    )5.He is ________ today . His father is ill.
A. blue        B. yellow        C. green        D. white
Billy is six years old . He has no sister . but he has a brother . Billy likes eating apples , oranges, bananas and so on . Sometimes he eats some of his brothers. And his brother
often hits(打)him for that . Its September . He goes to school. One day Billy and his classmates are having a new lesson . Billy , whats three from five ,please ? the teacher asks.
Its ., Its ……..
Now, ifyour sister has five bananas and you eat three of them………”
活埋 李涛“Oh, sorry, but Ihave no sister. Ihave a brother only.
Good. If your brother has five bananas and you eat three of them, how ..
Hell certainly give me a good beating (狠揍一顿)Billy says quickly!
(    )1.Billy has _________.
A. only a sister        B. only a brother        C. a sister and a brother
(    )2.Billys brother is _______.
A. older than him      B. younger than him      C. shorter than him
(    )3.Billys brother ________.
A. is friendly to Billy    B. often gives Billy things to eat    C. likes eating things , too
(    )4.Billy is in ________.
A Grade One          B. Grade Two          C. Grade Three
(    )5.Billy isnt a ________ boy.
A. cute              B. smart                C. intelligent