1. There are twenty __________ in our hospital.
    A. woman doctors        B. women doctor        C. women doctors        D. woman doctor
2. __________ are usually careful in doing exercises.
A.Girl students        郑爽带孕事件B. Girls students       C. Girls’ students        D.Girl’s students
3.    ----What are these?    --They are __________.
A. deers              B. radios              C. Radioes        D.tomatos
4.    How many __________ are there in these __________?
A. tomatos, photos      B. tomatoes, photos      C. tomatoes, photoes    D.potatos,photoes
5.  Mr. Chen has two __________.
A. tooths            B. teeth              C. teeths                D.toothes
6.    Here are __________ for you, Sue.
A. potatos              B. some potatoes      C. three tomatos          D. some tomato
天高任鸟飞7.    Then the __________ began to eat the green __________ of young trees.
A. deer, leafs          B. deer, leaves            C. deer, leaf            D. deers, leafs
8.    I met some __________ in the park and talked with them the other day.
A. Japanese            B. American          C. Chineses              D. English
9.    --- Excuse me, are you __________? --- Yes, I’m from __________.
A. Japan, Japanese        B. China, Chinese  C. England, English      D.American, America
10.    A group of __________are talking with two__________ over there.
A. Frenchmen, Germans                        B. Frenchmen, Germen   
C. Frenchmen, German                        D. Frenchmanes, Germans
11.    Yesterday a few __________ came to visit some__________ in Shantou.
男子110米栏A. German, places of interest                    B. Germans, places of interests   
C. Germans, places of interest                D. Germen, places of interest
12.    Two __________ and five __________ are studying Chinese at Beijing University.
A. German, English                          B. Germans, English
C. Germans, Englishmen                D. Germen, Englishmen
13.The delicious dishes are cooked by __________.
        A. women cookers    B. women cooks        C .woman cooks    D. woman cookers
14.    Julie went to the __________ to buy a pair of shoes.
A. shoes store          B. shoe’s store          C. shoe store            D. shoes’ store
15.After moving to their new house, the Lees bought some ______ in the mall nearby. (08上海)
A. furniture            B. chair                C. table                D. shelf
16.We haven’t got much __________ for our picnic. Will you go and get some? (07郑惠善上海)
A. apple              B. tomato              C. bread              D. biscuit
17.He knows __________ Chinese and has __________ Chinese friends.
A. much, many        B. many, much          C. much, much        D. many, many
18.I’m thirsty. I think I’ll buy some __________.
A. water              B. bread                C. eggs                  D. apples
19.---Would you like some __________? --Oh, yes, just(只) a little.
A. pears              B. oranges              C. milk                D. grapes
20.Look ! There are some __________on the floor.
    A child                B boxes                C water                D girl
21.    There are many __________ in the fridge.
A. fish                B. fruit              C. eggs              D. bread
22.    Don’t hurry! We still have __________ time left.
A. little              B. few                  C. a little              D. a few
23.Take some __________ to school. It’s so hot and you may feel thirsty.
A. meat                B. bread                C. juice                D. orange
24.We see many __________ and __________ on the hill.
A. horses; sheeps        B. horse; sheep        C. horses; sheep        D. horse, sheeps
25.  ---Could I have something to eat? ---Sure. Here’s some         .   
A. chicken              B. tomatoes          C. orange                D. Potato
26.There are __________students playing in the playground.
    A. a great deal of        B. a large amount of    C. a large quantity of    D. a number of
27.There is __________milk and __________apples in the fridge. Let’s get some.
A. little, a few        B. little, few            C. a little. few            D. few. a little
28.I’ve read __________ sports news about the F1 race today.
A. two                B. pieces                C. two pieces            D. two pieces of
29.My teacher game me __________.
    A. a good advice        B. some good advices    C. some good advice    D. good advices
30.Usually, young people have black __________ and old people have white __________.
    A. hairs, ones            B. hair, one            C. hair, ones            D. hairs, one
31.Peter was busy with his work yesterday. He didn’t get __________.
    A. much sleep            B. many sleeps        C. more sleep        D. most sleep
32.I think it is a wonderful __________.
    A. work                B. information        C. idea                D. news
33.Have you found some __________ on the leaves?
    A. drops of water        B. drops of waters        C. drops water        D. drop of waters