I.Listen and choose the word. 听音,选出听到单词。(10分)。
()1. A. live    B. life    C. love
()2. A. card    B. hard    C. car
()3. A. field    B. friend    C. film
()4. A. hear    B. dear    C. year
()5. A. wrote    B. wrong    C. right
()6. A. studied    B. student    C. study
()7. A. fast    B. last    C. lost
()8. A. tried    B. tired    C. find
()9. A. deaf    B. shelf    C. half
()10. A. hide    B. hand    C. had
II.Listen and choose the picture. 听音,圈出你听到的图片。(5分)
1.  A    B
2.    A    B
3.    A    B
4.    A    B
5.    A    B
III.Listen to the passage and choose the word. 听短文,选单词序号填空。(5分)
We are going to do science about animals. This is a guide for us to get from the school library. The books about are on Shelf C. We can find information from books, CDs, films and e-books . There are lots of ways to find information on this topic.
IV.Listen and answer. 听问句,选答语。(10分)
()1. A.I lived in a small village.    B. I live in a big city
()2. A.I was at home.    B. I did my homework..
()3. A. Yes, she does.    B. No, she didn’t.
()4.A.They’re happy.  B. They’re my gra ndparents.
()5. A. He teaches English.    B. He taught Chinese.
()6. A. Yes, it was.    B. Yes, it is.
()7.A.They’re dancing.  B. They learnt to dance.
()8.A.They’re on Shelf B.  B. It’s on Shelf B.
()9.A.We’ll make it.  B. That’s a good idea.
()10.A.I’m going to have some rice and meat.    B. At twelve o’clock.
V.Listen and order. 听短文,给图片排序。(10分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) VI. 听短文,选择。(10分)
()1.It was a day.
A. shining
B. sunny
()2. My old bag was and it was .
A. blue, broken
B. green, broken.
()3.I bought a bag.
A. green
B. blue
()4 .My new bag was yuan.
A. fifty
B. fifteen
祭灶神()5. With help, I got another nice bag.
< mum’s
B. my friend’s
I. Read and choose the different one. 出不同类单词。(5分)
()1. A. happy    B. sad    C. feel    D. angry
()2. A. shoes    B. shorts    C. socks    D. shows
()3. A. wear    B. swam    C. rode    D. saw
1. different
2. project
3. animals
4. information
5. as well
()4. A. hamburger    B. fish and chips    C. dumplings    D. sandwich ()dancer    B. river    C. driver    D. teacher
II. Read and choose the best one. 选出最佳答案。(10分)
()1. We lived in a small house then, and we ______ enough food.
A.don’t have
B. aren’t have
C. didn’t have
()2. — Where _______ you live ten years ago?
—We lived in a small village.
B. do
C. did
()3. — Did your grandma learn any foreign languages?
—Yes, she ______ English.
B. learnt
C. learn
()4. Lei Wei is thirty now. He ______ at school.
A.like to work
B. likes working
C. liked working
()5. Five year ago, he ______ school. Now he goes to school ____ school bus.
A. goes to…by
B. went to…on
C. went to…by
()6. — ______ did you have for dinner?
— Bread, meat and a hamburger.
A. What
B. Which
C. How much
()7.— ______ are the books about sports, please?
— They are on Shelf C.
B. When
C. Where
()8. There are ______ different ways to find information in this topic.
A. a lot
B. a lots of
C. lots of
()9. This blur bag _____ got four wheels. It’ll ______ for you to carry.
A. has…be easy
B. have…be easy
我的团长我的团演员表C. has…easy
()10. — _____ pupils are there in your class?
— There are forty.
A.How much
B. How many
C. How often
III.Read and choose the picture. 听音,选图片。(5分)
A    B    C
D    E
()1. My grandma lived in a small house, there weren’t any televisions.
()2. My grandma were a good dancer when she was young.
()3. My grandpa had some vegetables for dinner.
()4. We can get some books about science in the library.
()5. This pair of shows is too big for the baby.
Read and choose the sentence. 补全对话。(5分) Sue:  How are you, Jack? Jack:  Fine, thank you. And you? Sue:  I ’m fine, too. Thank you. But I can ’t find the picture.  1  I must find it now. Jack:    2  Sue:  It ’s a new one. My father, my mother and I are in it. My father is in a blue  coat.  3  I ’m in brown blouse. A tree is behind us. Jack:  Oh, look!  4  Sue:  5  Thank you, Jack. Jack:  That ’s all right.
V. Read and judge. 阅读短文,判断,正确写T ,错误写F 。(5分)
Hello, my name is Sue. I ’m a pupil. I get up at half past six from Monday to Friday. But I get up at eight o ’clock at the weekend. Because I don ’t go to school and I don ’t have classes. My family goes to a park after breakfast at half past ten. We play and have lunch in the park. What a great picnic time! Then we feed ducks and read books. In the afternoon we go back home. My mum cooks for dinner and I watch TV or I play table tennis with my dad. Then we have dinner. What a great weekend!
(  )1. Sue gets up at half past six every morning.好听的游戏名字
(  )2. Sue goes to a zoo at the weekend.
(  )3. Sue ’s family has a picnic in the park.
(  )4. They play football in the afternoon.
(  )5. Sue has a good weekend.VI. Read and order.
VI. Read and choose. 阅读短文,根据课文内容将序号填入括号内。(5分)
Ron has a white dog.  her name is Meli. Ron takes good care of Meli. Meli is a very
lucky dog. Rod feeds Meli every day. Dogs need to eat good food. Meli has her own
bowls. One bowl is for her food and one bowl is for her water. Rod gives Meli clean
water every day. Dogs need to drink fresh water.  Ron takes Meli for a walk every day.
Dogs need to walk and play. Meli likes to go to the dog park. She likes to play with all
the big dogs and little dogs at the park. Ron brushes Meli every day. Dogs need to have
clean fur(皮毛). Ron brushes Meli ’s teeth every day. Dogs need to have clean teeth. Meli陈建斌主演的电影
gets lots of  love! And Ron gets a big wet dog kiss.
(      )——(      )——(      )——(      )——(      )
①Ron takes Meli for a walk every day.            ②Rod feeds Meli every day.
③Rod gives Meli clean water every day.        ④Ron brushes Meli every day.
⑤ Ron takes good care of Meli.
A. My mother is in a red dress.
B.  Yes, that ’s it!
C.  Which picture?
D.  What ’s that under the table?
E.  I must find the picture.
What does Ron do to  taking care of Meli?
VII.Read and choose. 读短文,选择。(10分)
A train stops at a station. A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. “ Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars.”“ Great!” say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. “Where is my hamburger?” asks the young man. “Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I’m eating mine. Here is your dollar.”
1.Where is the young man?
A.At a station
B. Under a big umbrella
C. On the train
2.What does the young man want to buy?
A. Umbrella
B. Hamburgers
C. Dollars
3.Who helps the young man?
A. A boy
B. A man
C. Nobody
4.Does the young man get a hamburger?
A. No, he doesn’t陕西2套都市快报
B. Yes, he does
C. No, he does
5.Is the boy clever?
A. Yes, he isn’t
B. Yes, he is
C. No, I’m not
VIII. Writing. 任选表格内容,如果你是Mike或Tingting,第一次给你的笔友Jim写一封信介绍自己。(5分)
__________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes.