
摘要  自21世纪初以来,我国的外汇储备一直保持着较快的增长速度,并且外汇储备以美国国债为主,这使得我国外汇储备的风险过于集中。自2008年美国经济危机后,美联储大幅降息,
关键词  外汇储备,外汇风险,外汇管理

Research on the status quo of China's foreign exchange reserves
ABSTRACT  Since the beginning of twenty-first Century, China's foreign exchange reserves of U.S. Treasury bonds, which makes the risk of foreign exchange reserves is too concentrated. Since the 2008 economic crisis in the United States, the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates sharply, continuous depreciation of the do
llar suffered a great loss to our country's foreign exchange reserves, the social from all walks of life also to China's huge foreign exchange reserve management capability is in doubt. Under this background, how to effectively on the structure of China's foreign exchange reserves management is not only at present our country is facing the reality of the problem, also has the important influence on the future of the China International Economic and trade development and participate in international economic affairs decision-making. This paper will first introduce the background and significance of this topic in the introduction.. Secondly, this paper will introduce the growth and specific structure of China's foreign exchange reserves, and then analyze the reasons for the formation of the huge foreign exchange reserves and the risk of. Finally, the paper puts forward the policy suggestion to our country foreign exchange reserve management.
KEYWORDS  foreign exchange reserves,foreign exchange risk,exchange control