2019, 45(6):145- 148Plant Protection
申请apple id小学生安全常识周园园S吴治然S贡长怡S韦朝领张立新
(1.安徽农业大学植物保护学院,合肥230036; 2.安徽农业大学茶树生物学与资源利用国家重点实验室,合肥230036)
摘要茶树是我国重要的经济作物,茶园叶病的流行会造成严重的经济损失。2017年10月到2018年1月从安徽、福建和湖北省茶区的9个茶树品种上采集代表性茶叶斑病叶,该病害的发病症状与由CoWetotric/ram spp.引起的 茶病相似。采用组织分离法从发病叶片组织分离获得26株菌落形态一致的真菌分离物,显微镜观察结果显示,各菌株分生孢子的产生方式和形态特征相似。为进一步明确菌株的分类地位,选取2株来自安徽庐江和宣城地区的代表性菌株(E C-6和X B C1-3)进行多基因片段的P C R扩增和序列分析。结果表明,代表性菌株E C-6和 X B C1-3的IT S、^/^、t e/-l a基因序列分别与交链格孢aZterraata参考菌株CBS 107. 27的序列(KP124300, KP124157, KP125075)相似性为100%、99%和100%,结合菌株形态学观察以及柯赫氏法则验证,证 实交链格孢是引起该茶树叶斑病的致病菌。这是在安徽茶区首次发现由致病性链格孢引起茶树叶斑病。
雷佳音怎么了中图分类号:S 435. 711 文献标识码:A D O I:10. 16688/j. zwbh. 2018458
Identification of Alternaria alternata causing leaf spot
disease of Camellia sinensis
Z H O U Yuanyuan1, W U Z h ira n1, G O N G Changyi1, W E I Chaoling2, Z H A N G L ix in1
(1. College o f Plant Protection, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei230036, China;2. State Key
Laboratory o f Tea Plant Biology and Utilization,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei230036, China,) Abstract The tea plan t, Camellia sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze, is a crucial commercial crop in China. The fo lia r diseases often resulted in serious production loss during epidemic outbreak in tea plantations in China. From O cto­ber 2017 to January 2018, representative diseased leaves showing sim ilar symptoms w ith anthracnose disease were collected fro m tea plants o f nine varieties in tea plantations in A n h u i, Fujian and Hubei provinces. A to ta l o f 26 isolates were recovered consistently fro m sym ptom atic leaves by tissue isolation, and id en tified as Alternaria sp.
by m orphological features. The tw o strains (E C-6, XBC1-3) fro m Lujiang county and Xuancheng regions in A n­hui province, respectively, were representatively selected fo r fu rth e r id e n tifica tio n
by PCR a m p lifica tion and se­quence analysis. Using B LA S T analysis o f N C B I, the in te rna l transcribed spacer (IT S) region, the gpd and tef-la gene sequences o f the tw o strains shared 100%, 99% and 100% sequence identity w ith those o f the A. alternata strain CBS107. 27 in GenBank (KP124300, KP124157, KP125075), respectively. Based on the m orphological characters, sequences analysis as w e ll as pathogenicity tests, the causal pathogen was id entified as A. alternata.
This is the firs t report o f A. alternata causing leaf spot disease o f tea plants in A n h u i province.
Key words leaf spot disease o f tea p la n t;Alternaria alternata;pathogenicity;id en tification
黄海波 姚芊羽
茶树 G am eZ Z itt(L.)O.Kuntze起源于云南[l],是我国重要的经济作物。我国对茶树病 害的研究多集中在叶部病害,原因一方面在于叶部 病害是我国茶树的主要病害,另一方面是茶树的经 济价值多集中在叶片,茶树芽和叶的品质直接影响 *到茶叶的生产和经济价值[2]。茶树叶部病害已记载 的有126种,主要有病、轮斑病和茶饼病等[2_4]。根 据联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)的记录,2016年中国 生产茶叶241万t左右。若茶树种植区发生严重叶病,则会造成茶叶大量减产。2017年10月到2018年1月
收稿日期:2018- 10-28 修订日期:2019-02- 14
夢拿项目:安徽农业大学茶树生物学与资源利用国f重点实验室开放基金(SKLTOF20170108);安徽省科技重大专项(180********) *通信作者£-m ail:韦朝领 weichl@ahau,edu, cn;张立新 lxzhang@ahau, edu