Another costume drama set in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Story of Yanxi Palace, is becoming a hit on the small screen this summer. 又一部清朝古装剧《延禧攻略》成为了这个夏天的荧屏爆款。
五户联保贷款 Not only the story plot, but also the makeup in this TV series has drawn much attention, especially the lips of the concubines. 除了剧情之外,这部电视剧中的妆容也引发众多关注,尤其是嫔妃们的唇妆。
To those unfamiliar with ancient Chinese women’s makeup, the "bitten lips" look a bit modern. 对于不熟悉中国古代女子妆容的人而言,“咬唇妆”看起来有些现代。
In fact, decorating lips in such a way is not a new thing, for it dates back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220). 事实上,这样的唇妆并不是什么新潮流,可以追溯到汉朝时期。
As "petal" and "cherry" are the two most-used metaphors to describe lips of women, C
hinese aesthetics tend to make female’s lips look smaller and redder. “花瓣”和“樱桃”是中国审美中最常用来形容女子嘴唇的两大比喻,因此女性也喜欢让嘴唇看起来又红又小。
There was an exception in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), when people were more open-minded, women tended to dye their lips black. 唐朝是个例外,当时的人们更加开放,女性喜欢将自己的嘴唇染黑。
Such makeup was connected with grief and sorrow, which was considered a unique beauty in that time. Undoubtedly, such avant-garde experiment only lived for a short period, as it betrayed the mainstream traditional aestheticism. 这样的唇妆让人联想到悲伤痛苦,被认为是唐朝的独有之美。毫无疑问的是,如此前卫的做法只流行了很短的一段时间,因为其与主流的传统审美相悖。
Other variations had long-lasting life, such as the "bitten lips", which once enjoyed popularity in the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). 其他的唇妆则经久不衰,比如“咬唇妆”便在明清时期大受欢迎。
If you want a try such makeup, prepare a concealer, lip balm and a lipstick or lip gloss. 如果你想尝试咬唇妆,需要准备好遮瑕膏、润唇膏、口红或者唇釉。
Step1: Cover the edges of your mouth with concealer 第一步:用遮瑕膏遮盖嘴唇边缘
刘涛年龄 Step2: Moisturize your lips with lip balm 第二步:用润唇膏在嘴唇上打底
Step3: Use concealer to cover the natural color of your mouth 第三步:使用遮瑕膏盖去嘴唇的自然颜
Step4: Apply lipstick or lip gloss to the center of your mouth 第四步:在嘴唇中间涂上口红或者唇釉
怎么辨别玉的真假 Make sure that the color is paler from center to the edges of your mouth. 确保唇妆颜从中间向边缘慢慢变浅。