1.You must __________ run _______ play on the road.
A.not, or    B.to, and    C.not, and
2.Playing on the road is not _________.  (   )
A.safe    B.safety    C.Safely
3.Don't drink ______ cola. It's bad for your health. (    )
A.so little    B.too many    C.too much
4.Mike and his classmates are talking ________ their plans ________ the weekend. (    )
A.to; about    B.about; for    C.with; to
5.We had an ________ party last night. We were ________ at the party. (    )
A.excitedly; exciting    B.excited; exciting    C.exciting; excited
6.He _____ play football before, now he _____ play football well. (   )
A.was; is    B.did; does    C.couldn’t; can
7.The mouse helped the lion           the net. (  )
A.bite    B.bit    C.bited
8.Jackie Chan is my _____ film star. (   )
A.like    B.best    C.favourite    D.good
9.The magazine talks about _______ dinosaurs. (    )
A.lot of    B.a lot of    C.a lot
10.She is going to be a ______. She wants to fight COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).
A.teacher    B.doctor    C.farmer
11.I ________ camping yesterday. (    )
A.go    B.goed    C.went
12.There _________ no dining hall here twenty years ago. (    )
A.were    B.was    C.be
13.Before I was _______ in class. Now, I’m very _______. (   )
A.old; young    B.tall; short    C.quiet; active路由器怎么设置密码
14.I’m __________ and __________ than you. (     )
A.tall; strong    B.taller; stronger    C.tall; stronger
15.One day I ______ visit the moon. (   )
A.am    B./    C.am going to
16.—What did you do last weekend? (   腌蒜苔的最简单做法)
—I ______ at home.
A.stay    B.stays    C.stayed
17.—______ did you go with? (   )
—My friend Tim.
A.Where    B.Who    C.How
18.—What did you do last night? (    )
A.He saw a film.    B.I see a film.    C.I saw a film.
19.There isn’t _________ coffee in the cup. (   )
A.some    B.much    C.many
20.It was rainy. I _______ at home with my mother. (   )
A.stay    B.stayed    C.stays
21.—_______ (do) you go swimming?  —Yes, I did.
22.My mother _______ (read) an English book last night.
23.Look! The first panda is ______(thin) than the second one.
24.Jane ____ (get) up at 7: every day, so she is always late for school.
25.Mike is good at __________ (play) table tennis.
26.Don’t eat too _____ (much) sweets.
27.How many _____ (tomato) are there in the basket?
28.She likes _______. She wants to be a _______. She will go to a _______ school. (cook)
29.How many _________ (child) are there in your family?
30._______ (read) _______ (make) people clever. Please _______ (read) more books.
31.She always f________ her homework before dinner.
32.I will ____________ (回去) Xinghua this summer holiday.
33.Mike always goes to school e______.
笔记本电脑没有声音怎么办>出租屋合同34.Students can _____ (学习) how to cook nice food in the cooking school.
35.His jacket is very d_____. He’ll wash it this afternoon.
36.We borrow books from the ____________.
37.The moon goes around the _________.
38.He runs f____________than me.
39.—What do you often do on the weekend? 
—I often read books and _________ _________ (画漫画).
40.—Did you h_____ a cold yesterday?
—Yes, I did.
Bill is a lazy boy. He doesn't often use his head and doesn't listen to his _41__ in class, so he can't do his homework. His teachers don't like _42__. They tell his parents about it, but they don't know _43__ to do.
Today is Sunday. Bill gets up early in the _44__. After breakfast his mother tells him to _45__ his homework. He goes to his bedroom. When his mother is busy _46__ some housework, the boy goes out with a ball. She can't _47__ him. Dinner is ready and Bill co
mes back. His parents are angry, _48__ they don't say anything.
At nine the boy wants to go to bed. His father asks him, "Do you finish your homework?"
"No." answers the boy, "I can't do it. I want to _49__ now."
His father is _50__. He pulls him by the ear and says, "Where's your ear?"
剪发技巧"Oh, dear!" Bill calls out, "it is in your hand."
41、A.parents    B.teacher    C.friend
42、A.her    B.him    C.you
43、A.what    B.when    C.where
44、A.morning    B.afternoon    C.evening
45、A.make    B.help    C.do
46、A.for    B.about    C.with
47、A.find    B.visit    C.get
48、A.and    B.but    C.so
49、A.play    B.eat    C.sleep
50、A.tired    B.angry    C.sad
There are many kinds(种类) of animals from different countries in the zoo. You will see Indian elephants and the tigers from America. The koalas from Australia are lovely. The pandas and monkeys from China are cute. Come and meet them today.
Opening time
Adults(成人):¥4 0 
Children: ¥20 
Under 6: Free(免费)
From Monday to Friday: 10: ~3:
At weekends: 9: ~4:
Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, feed or go near the animals.
51、Five kinds of animals are mentioned(提到) in the passage. (      )