法律手抄报内容 该实验以多伦野生芍药和栽培芍药为研究对象,对二者的生物学性状和芍药苷含量进行了研究,旨在探讨栽培芍药是否能代替野生芍药进行药用。结果表明,多伦赤芍野生植株的茎、叶、根颈、肉质根和细根生物量均小于芽头栽培植株,地下和地上生物量比值没有显著差异。野生植株细根解剖结构中的维管柱直径、维管柱所占比例以及维管柱和皮层比均显著大于芽头栽培植株,但皮层厚度和皮层所占比例都小于芽头栽培植株。肉质根中芍药苷含量在野生植株和芽头栽培植株间无显著差异。虽然芽头栽培多伦赤芍的植株生物学性状发生了显著变化,但芍药苷含量却没有降低,因此,利用芽头这种无性繁殖方式对濒危中药材“多伦赤芍”进行保育和规模化种植是可行的。
工行信用卡标签: 多伦赤芍;无性繁殖;生物量;根解剖结构;芍药苷
[Abstract] This study aims to investigate whether the cultivation peony can take the place of wild herbaceous peony by comparing the biological traits and paeoniflorin content between them. The result showed that the biomass of the stem, leaf, crown, fleshy root and fine root of wild plants were all smaller than that of bud asexual cultivated plants, while there w
as no significant differences in belowground and aboveground biomass ratio between these two plants. The stele diameter, the proportion of stele, and the ratio of stele diameter to cortex thickness of wild plants were significantly higher than that of bud asexual cultivated plants, while the cortex thickness and the proportion of cortex were significantly smaller than bud asexual cultivated plants. Although the biological traits of bud asexual cultivated plants have changed significantly, the paeoniflorin content in fleshy roots has no significant difference between wild and bud asexual cultivated plants. Therefore, it is feasible to use the bud asexual cultivation to the conservation and large-scale cultivation of Paeonia laciflora, which is an endangered species.林熙蕾照片