九年级英语Unit 7 单元测试    Name ____________
听力部分 25%
I. 听小对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片 5%
(  )1. What’s the weather like today?
  A.                        B.                            C.
(  )2. How did Peter go to Beijing?
      A.                            B.                            C.
(  )3. Which sign are they talking about?
万圣节在几月几日A.                            B.                            C.
(  )4. What’s wrong with Mike?
A.                          B.                            C.
(  )5. Where is the girl going?
        A.                          B.                        C.
II. 听下面两段长对话,回答问题 10%
( )6.Which city is Lucy moving to?
A. Shanghai.              B. Beijing.              C. Nanjing.
( )7.Why is Lucy moving?
A. Because her father has got a job there.             
B. Because she is going to university there.
C. Because she is going to meet her friends there.
( )8.What’s wrong with Tom?
A. He has a headache.      B. He has a fever.        C. He has the flu.
( )9.When did Tom feel sick?
A. Two days ago.          B. This morning.          C. Four days ago.
( )10.What should Tom do?
A. Drink plenty of water.   
B. See a doctor and have a good rest.
C. Stay at home and have a good sleep.
III. 听长对话,完成信息记录表10%
Hope Middle School
Teachers and students
Teachers are all very 11.________ and friendly.
There are 12.________ students in our class and we all get on well with each other.
School rules
We are not allowed to get to class 13.________.
We have to wear school 14.________ every day.
We can’t go out with friends on school 15.________.
We are not allowed to get our ears pierced.
(  )11. A. strict              B. serious              C. kind
(  )12. A. forty              B. forty-five            C. fifty
(  )13. A. late              B. early                C. on time
(  )14. clothes              B. coats                C. uniforms
(  )15. A. days              B. nights                C. break
I. 单项选择:15%
(  )1. Our teachers don’t allow us _________ late.
    A. arrive          B. arriving            C. arrived          D. to arrive
(  )2. You’d better get your hair _________. It is too long.
    A. cut              B. cuts                C. cutting          D. to cut
(  )3. ---I’ve seen the film on TV. What about you?    ---__________.
    A. So did I          B. So I did            C. So I have        D. So have I
(  )4. When Jenny finished her first book, she was just a__________ girl.
    A. five years old      B. five-years-old        C. five year old    D. five-year-old
(  )5. Children should _________ get on well with others.
    A. teach how to      B. be taught how        C. be taught how to  D. taught how to
(  )6. When Miss Green began to __________ something, the two boys stopped ________ and became quiet.
    A. speak; speaking    B. talk; speaking      C. say; talking      D. tell; to say
(  )7. Don’t ________ what others say. Do what you like. 收钱
    A. take care        B. take for            C. care about        D. take care of
(  )8. There are some things you should know if you are _________ about the exam.
    A. outgoing        B. serious              C. creative        D. friendly
伍洲彤老婆(  )9. ---Have you finished your work?  李钰照片
---No, not yet. I think it’ll take __________ two hours.
    A. other            B. else                C. the other        D. another
(  )10. Some parents worry their children’s hobbies may _________ their schoolwork.
    A. get the way of    B. get on the way of      C. get on well with    D. get in the way of
(  )11. I think ________ are old enough to make their own decision.
    A. sixteen-year old              B. sixteen-years-old   
C. sixteen-years-olds            D. sixteen-year-olds
(  )12. Attention, please! All the mobile phones must ________ before the meeting starts.
    A. turn off          B. be turned off        C. be turning off      D. turned off
(  )13. The students ______ play basketball after school every day.
    A. allow          B. allow to            C. are allowed to      D. were allowed to
(  )14. You should be punished if you      韩国搞笑电影排行榜前十名to your teacher.
    A. will talk back    B. talk back          C. will talk to        D. talk to