1. Beijing Opera  京剧
2. the capital of Austria 奥地利首都
3. think about 认为,考虑
4. pop music 流行音乐
5. Western Music  西方音乐
6. dance to  随着…跳舞
7. the center of …的中心
8. European classical music  欧洲古典音乐
9. on the river 在…河畔
10. hundreds of wonderful pieces of music 数以百计的美妙的乐曲
11. play music  演奏音乐
12. traditional music 传统音乐
13. take place 发生
14. at the same time 同时
15. watch it on TV 在电视上观看
16. types of music 音乐的类型
17. the rest of 其余的...
18. in the last ten years 在过去的十年里
19. at that time  在那时
1. This is Western music, isn’t it? 这是西方音乐,是吧?
2. —Is this by Strauss or Mozart?
—It’s by Strauss. 它是斯特劳斯的作品。
3. Do you know anything about him?你了解他吗?
4. What a beautiful city! 多么美丽的城市!
5. This is called The Blue Danube. 这首乐曲叫《蓝多瑙河》。
6. It goes through Vienna. 它流经维也纳。
7. Listen to this fantastic voice. 你听这绝妙的嗓音。
8. I’m a fan of rock music. 我是一个摇滚乐迷。
9. Give us a break! 让我们清净一会吧!(饶了我们吧!!)
10. It’s so noisy! And much too fast!
11. I don’t believe it! 我简直无法相信!
12. Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe.
13. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz.
14. His dance music made him famous all over Europe.
15. He wrote over 150 waltzes.
16. Mozart was another very important composer.
17. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. 他不到六岁就不仅会弹钢琴,还会拉小提琴。
18. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.
19. He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music.
20. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only 35.
1. 感叹句:感叹句由what或是how引导。
What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + (主语+谓语)!
What a clever boy (he is)!
What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + (主语+谓语)!东洋兵打一字
What beautiful flowers (they are)!
What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + (主语+谓语)!
What exciting news (it is)!
How + 形容词 + (主语 + 谓语)!
How clever (the boy is)!
How + 形容词+a/an+可数名词单数 +( 主语 + 谓语)!
How clever a boy (he is)!
How + 副词 + (主语 + 谓语)!
How fast (he runs)!
2. 选择疑问句    or 连接两个并列成分
回答选择疑问句时,不能用Yes / No来回答,一般用一个完整的陈述句或其简略形式,主语和谓语均省略。
—Are you going to borrow a dictionary or a magazine?
—A magazine.
3. 反义疑问句相当于汉语中的反问句
You like your job, don’t you ?
He doesn’t like the painting,  does he ?
Your sister hardly goes to school by bus, does she?
Few students can work out the problem, can they?
(3)回答: 肯定用yes,否定用no  注意翻译方式。
Mr. Wang is a doctor , isn’t he ?
Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.吉克隽逸 不要怕
贝多芬(Beethoven)是德国伟大的作曲家。他虽然年轻时就耳聋,但却留下了许多不朽的名作,如:《月光曲》、《第九交响曲》等。请根据以下资料,以“The Composer Beethoven”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。
﹡be born in Bonn,in December,1770
好声音第三季导师﹡moved to Vienna and studied how to play music when he was young
The Composer Beethoven
Beethoven was a German composer.He was born in Bonn, in December,1770.He moved to Vienna and studied how to play music  when he was young.Soon  he became very
famous.Unluckily, there was something wrong with his ears and in the last ten years of his life he couldn't hear anything.Where  there is a will,there is a way. He kept writing music and
finally  became one of the greatest composers in the history of music.
Name Favourite
Peter pop music Leehom Wang make people relaxed
Linda classical
Lang Lang
play the
piano well
Tim rock music Cui Jian make people excited
Hello,everyone! I'm Li Ming.I have three good friends.They like different kinds of
music.Peter likes pop music best.  He likes Leehom Wang because his music
makes people relaxed.Linda's favourite music is classical music.Her favourite musician is Lang Lang because he plays the piano well.Tim likes rock music.Of all the musicians,he likes Cui Jian,a famous Chinese rock singer, best.He thinks Cui Jian's music can make people excited