Unit 1: Configure Your Operating System        操作系统配置
Part 1:Key Words
Computer Name  计算机名
Workgroup      工作组
user account      用户账号
hidden file        隐藏文件
e-mail account    账户
visual effect      视觉效果
My Documents    我的文档
Quick Launch bar  快速启动栏
Screen resolution  屏幕分辨率
Windows Update  Windows更新
icon              图标
Folder Option      文件夹选项
View            查看
Apply            应用
Click something    单击
right-click on something  右键单击
the Quick Launch bar    快速启动栏
taskbar          任务栏
Properties        属性
Tab            选项卡
Start button      开始按钮
Start Menu      开始菜单
Control Panel    控制面板
Desktop        桌面
Settings        设置
Display          显示
Drag            拖动
Slider          滑块
Recommend    推荐
Interface with    妨碍,干扰
Default        默认(值),缺省(值)
License        许可
Administrator    管理员
Vulnerable      易受攻击的
Security        安全(性)
Virus          [计] 病毒
Performance    性能
Maintenance    维护
Version        版本
Unplug        切断(一个电器的)电源
Privilege        权限
Malicious      怀恶意的
Drive          驱动器
Hard  drive    硬盘驱动器
Floppy drive    软盘驱动器
R朴有天朴嘉熙elease        发布
Digital        数字的
Processor      处理器
Macintosh    麦金托什
Pentium      [计] 奔腾处理器
Kernel        内核
焦作云台山好玩吗Code        代码
Chip          芯片
Browse        浏览
Active Desktop  活动桌面
Edition        版,版本
Celeron      [计] 赛扬
Launch        发行,发布
RAM  Random Access Memory  随机存取存储器
DVD  Digital Video/Versatile Disk  数字化视频/通用光盘
USB  Universal Serial Bus      通用串行总线
Part 2 :Speaking
Sample:1.1  Add a New E-mail Account in Microsoft Outlook
Leo:Tony,could you tell me how to receive e-mails on my own computer? It takes too much time to check e-mails on the web site, since I do it quite often.
Tony:You don’t have to log on to the web site every time. You can receive your e-mails with Microsoft Outlook.
Leo:Can you tell me tow to do that? I have no clue at all.
Tony:After running Outlook, you can first click E-mail Accounts on the Tools menu. And then select Add a new e-mail account.
Leo:I see. What type of e-mail server should I choose?
Tony:In this case, you need to choose POP3. And on the next page, in the appropriate boxes, you need to type the information our administrator gave you, such as your e-mail address, user name, password, and the POP3 and SMTP addresses.
Leo:I got it. But one more question, do I have to type the password every time I check my messages?
Tony:No, you don’t. You can type it in the Password box and select the Remember password check box. In this way, you can have Outlook remember your password and you don’t陈萍萍结局 have to type it in next time you check your e-mails.
Leo:Thats very helpful. Thank you very much, Tony.
Tony:Youre welcome. Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.
Leo:I wont. Thank you.
Tony:不用每次都登录到网站上去收邮件。你可以用Microsoft Outlook啊。
Leo: 能告诉我该怎么做吗?我一点也不懂。
Sample:1.2    Change Windows Visual Effects
Leo:  Tony, I have a question.
Tony:   What’s up, Leo?
Leo:  I have been using my computer for a while. It has been running much slower since I installed some application software. What can I do to get if faster?
Tony: If all the programs are necessary, you can then solve the problem by giving up some visual effects of the system.
Leo: What exactly 伍淑怡不雅照片should I do about that?
Tony: What you need to do is to adjust the system for its best performance instead of best appearance. You can just right-click My Computer七龙珠gt主题曲 and select Properties. On the Advanced tab, click the Settings button under Performance. Are you with me?
Leo:  Yes, go on please?
Tony: OK. On the Visual Effects tab, you can make your choice. For example, select th
e Adjust for best performance radio button and all the special visual effects will be disabled but the system can run faster as you expected.
Leo:  Thats cool. Thank you. But wait, how can I remove the background of the desktop icon labels?
Tony: Oh, right. Just select the check box of use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop in that dialogue box.