Unit 10 I’d like to have some noddles
noodles面条   potatoes土豆  tomatoes西红柿 
carrots胡萝卜  vegetables蔬菜  onions洋葱   
林允冯绍峰dumplings饺子  pancakes薄饼  bananas香蕉
mutton羊肉  beef牛肉  meat肉  bread面包
porridge稀饭 soup汤  milk牛奶  water水
fruit, salad, ice cream, food, cabbage, onion, fish, chicken
would like sth./to do sth.  想要某物或去做某事
take one’s order 点菜
what size 什么尺寸
beef soup 牛肉汤
what kind 什么种类
small/medium/large bowl小/中/大碗
around the world 世界各地
a/one (large) 一碗...
mapo tofu with rice带米饭的麻婆豆腐
green tea 绿茶
the number of… 的数量
orange juice 橙汁
get popular 受欢迎;流行
exo素颜birthday cake 生日蛋糕
cut up 切碎
make a wish 许个愿望
bring good luck to给…带来好运
blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛
come true 实现大日如来
in one go 一口气
1. I’d like some noodles. 
would like 表示“想要”,意义和用法和want相同,但是语气比want更委婉。
用法:would like sth. 想要某事
E.g.      I’d like some dumplings.
        ②would like to do sth. 想要去做某事
E.g.    They’d like to play football after school.
      would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事
E.g.  She’d like me to go shopping with her.
】I’d = I would    You’d = You would    She’d = She would    Theyd=They would
E.g. I would like some orange juiceWould you like some orange juice?
E.g. She would like some water. She would not like any milk? 
E.g. These children would like some milk.  What would these children like?
Would you like sth.? 你想要某物吗?(委婉地询问对方的要求时的用语)
肯定答语:Yes, please.
否定答语:No, thanks.
E.g. --Would you like some tea?   --Yes, please. /No, thanks.
▲Would you like to do sth.? 你想要/愿意做某事吗?(向对方有礼貌地提出建议或邀请)
肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 是的,我愿意。
否定回答:Sorry, + 原因。
E.g. --Would you like to go swimming with us? --Yes, I’d love to. 
(1)I’d like them _____(stay)for dinner with us.
(2)She likes _____(watch)TV at night.
(3)What kind of fruit ______(will)you like to buy?
(4)– Would you like a cup of tea? - _______.
      A. I’d like milk     B. Yes, I would  C. You’re welcome     D. Yes, please
(5)They want some green tea. (同义句)They _____ ______ _____ green tea.
(6)She’d like some rice. (改为一般疑问句)    ______ she _____ _____ rice?
2. What kind of … would you like?    你想要哪种....?(常用来询问某人想要什么类型的…)E.g. —what kind of noddles would you like?
— Id like beef noodles, please.
常见短语What ?  表示“哪种....?”
E.g. What kind of movies would you like to see?
【辨析】a kind of  表示“一种;某种(类)…”               
E.g. Whale is a kind of mamal (哺乳动物).     
        all kinds of  “各种各样的…”
E.g. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.
        many different kinds of  “许多不同种类的…”
E.g. I like many different kinds of flower.张子枫八卦
E.g. Her mother is a kind woman.
常见短语:be kind to sb. 对某人友善;友好=be friendly/good to sb.
E.g. You should be kind/friendly/good to your sisters.
kind of+adj./adv 表示“稍微;有点”(相当于a little) 
E.g. This little boy is kind of /a little shy.
(1)We would like tomato and egg noodles. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ _____ ____ noodles ______ they like?
(2)Lucy likes noodles with beef and onions. (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ ______ noodles _____ Lucy like?
3. What size… would you like? 你想要多大....?常用来询问某人想要物体的尺寸大小
E.g. What size bowl of noodles would he like?
      —He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.
E.g. What size shoes do you wear?   —新员工入职自我介绍I wear size 40.
4. 商品+be动词+钱数+for+商品数量   表示商品价格
E.g. These CDs are RMB 10 for 3.      The apples are RMB3 for 5.
即学即练:—How much is this kind of dumplings?
          —Its 10 RMB_____ 20.
            A. of      B. for        C. at        D. in
5. Would you like a large bowl?  
  —Yes, please.
bowl 表示“碗”  常做量词→ a bowl of  表示“一碗...”
E.g. Id like a bowl of rice. 
【辨析】large, big, great
E.g. we have a house with a large yard.
E.g. Uncle Wang has a big house.
great 意为“伟大的”,除表示数量、体积之大外,还指抽象的事物或精神方
E.g. Chair Mao is a great man.
6. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.
blow out 表示“吹灭”
E.g. The strong wind blew out the fire.
in a/one go 表示“一口气”
E.g. He tries to finish his work in a/one go.
wish 既可以作动词也可以作名词
①作动词,表示“愿望;希望”,常用wish to do sth. 想要去做某事;wish sb. sth.祝愿某人