1.This is ________ story of friendship. Let’s read ________ story together.
A.a; an    B.an; the    C.an; a    D.a; the
2.Mike’s aunt is ________ English teacher. We all like ________.
A.our; she    B.our; her    C.we; he    D.we; her
3.It is ________ to say “thank you” very often, even to family members.
A.polite    B.rude    C.dangerous    D.humorous
4.Anna is taller than me. She sits ________ me in the classroom.
A.between    B.from    C.behind    D.among
5.His beautiful music has brought ________ to people all over the world.
A.difficulty    B.pleasure    C.weather    D.danger
6.People ________ talk on a mobile phone while they are driving.
A.shouldn’t    B.needn’t    C.must    D.can
7.Bill lives ________ to school than Peter.
A.close    B.closed    C.closer    D.the closest意大利语你好
8.I’m ________ things for my trip because I like to get things ready earlier.
A.keeping clear of    B.making a list of    C.getting on well with    D.winning the heart of
9.The government plans to ________ more jobs for young people in western China.
A.create    B.avoid    C.borrow    D.guess
10.When I was young, my parents taught me ________ older people kindly.
A.treats    B.to treat    C.treated    D.treat
11.—Where is mum?
—In the living room. She ________ a book at the moment.
A.was reading    B.will read    C.is reading    D.has read
12.The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese cartoon hero. Today, he ________ by people of all ages.
A.will love    B.was loved    C.is loved    D.will be loved
13.My cousin became a country doctor ________ he finished medical school.
A.after    B.so that    C.but    D.so
14.—Could you tell me ________ “the Father of Rice”?
—Because he helped many countries grow more rice.
A.when was Yuan Longping called    B.why is Yuan Longping called
C.when Yuan Longping was called    D.why Yuan Longping is called
15.—Shall we go for a walk?
—________. It’s too dark. We’d better stay at home.
A.Nice idea    B.That’s true    C.Don’t be silly    D.I agree with you
    Think of all the ways that you use your arms and hands. You use   16  to open doors, carry boxes, climb trees and ride bikes.
Jessica Cox was born   17  arms. But she didn’t let that   18  her from doing things. She   19  to feed herself, paint and play the piano by using her feet.
When she was at   20  , Jessica watched the other students on the playground. She did not have hands to catch balls with,   21  数学类专业 she did not have arms to climb with. Jessica imagined herself as a girl of unusually (不寻常地) great ability. She would   22  over the playground and take her friends into the sky.
Many years later, when Jessica   23  she did fly. She learnt to fly a plane! It was   24  work, but Jessica was patient, confident and brave. She controlled the plane with her feet. She made her   25  come true.
16.A.that    B.them    C.her    D.it
17.A.without    B.along    C.including    D.towards
18.A.divide    B.add    C.lend    D.stop
19.A.paid    B.refused    C.learnt    D.forgot
20.A.school    B.bed    C.hospital    D.town
21.A.so    B.but    C.and    D.though
22.A.fly    B.knock    C.fall    D.push蒋梦婕 周冬雨
23.A.set up    B.grew up    C.gave up    D.warmed up
24.A.comfortable    B.lazy    C.small    D.hard
25.A.mark    B.advice    C.dream    D.report
    I’m Kevin, a student of Grade 9. Most of my friends walk to school, but I like to ride my bike each day. I wake up at 7:00. After I wash my face and eat breakfast, I throw the scho
olbag on my back. Do I have my books and homework? Yes, I do.
I take my bike, hop (跳)onto it and ride to school at 7: 30. “See you later. Mum,” I say. I pass my friends when I ride by. “Hi, Kevin!” they call when I pass. Mary does not want to ride with me. She does not like to wear a schoolbag. She likes to carry her books in her arms when she walks. She likes to kick the autumn leaves. But she likes to look at the flowers the best.
Not me! I like to ride my bike to feel the fresh air in my face. When I get to school, I lock my bike in the bicycle park. I walk across the field to say hi to Mr Brown and wait for my friends in our classroom.
26.What grade is Kevin in?
A.Grade 6.    B.Grade 7.    C.Grade 8.    D.Grade 9.
27.What time does Kevin ride to school?
A.At 6:30.    B.At 7:00.    C.At 7:30.    D.At 8:00.
28.On her way to school, Mary likes to ________ the best.
A.ride with Kevin    B.look at the flowers    C.wear a schoolbag    D.kick the autumn leaves
29.Why does Kevin like to ride a bike?
A.To take his mum with him.    B.To meet his grandpa.
C.To feel the fresh air in his face.    D.To show he is brave.
30.Where does Kevin wait for his friends?
A.At home.    B.In the field.    C.At the school gate.    D.In the classroom.
    When the days grew long in the middle of summer, Lisa liked to go to the park and watch the clouds.