Unit 4 单元测试卷
得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________
听力部分 (20分)
(C)1.A.It's a clock.         B.No,it's his clock.
C.It's on the desk.
(A)2.A.Nothey aren't.         B.Yes,I am.
C.Yes,it is.
(B)3.A.I'm his mother.         B.I don't know.
C.Thanks for your help.
(A)4.A.It's white.         B.This is my room.
C.It's nice.
(B)5.A.You're welcome.         B.No药物制剂专业,it isn't.
C.Oh,I see.
(B)6.Where is Mary's CD?
A.On the chair.         B.On the table.
C.In the schoolbag.
(C)7.What is black?
A.Tony's ruler.         B.Tony's jacket.
C.Tony's notebook.
(B)8.What are on the desk?
A.Some pens.    B.Some keys.    C.Some books.
(A)9.Who is Jim's sister?
A.Gina.    B.Tina.    C.Anna.
(C)10.What is under the table?
A.A tape player.         B.A radio.
C.A model plane.
(A)11.Where is Sam's eraser?
A.In his schoolbag.         B.On his desk.
C.In his pencil box.
(B)12.What is NOT on Sam's desk?
A.An ID card.         B.A computer game.
C.An English book.
(C)13.What are Gina's?
A.The computer game and the books.
B.The computer game and the model planes.
C.The books and the model planes.
(A)14.Where is Jenny's hat?
A.On the sofa.         B.Under the bed.
C.On the bed.
(C)15.What is NOT in the schoolbag?
A.A watch.    B.The keys.    C.The tapes.
(C)16.Who is Bill?
A.Tom's friend.    B.Tom's cousin.    C.Tom's brother.
(A)17.Where's Bill's hat?
A.On his sofa.    B.On his chair.    C.On his desk.
(B)18.What color is Bill's clock?
A.Green.    B.Blue.    C.Purple.
(C)19.What's in Bill's schoolbag?
A.Some books.         B.Some pens.   
C.Some notebooks.
(B)20.Where are Bill's keys?
A.On his book.         B.In his pencil box.
CIn his hat.
笔试部分 (100分)
(B)21.—What's under ________ desk?
—________ model plane.
A.a;A    B.the;A    C.the;An    D.an;The
(B)22.—Dad,I can't find my ________.
—Oh,it's on your head.
A.table    B.hat    C.radio    D.map
(A)23.—Is Alice________?
—No,she isn't.Look! Her books are everywhere.
A.tidy    B.nice    C.fine    D.welcome
(D)24.—________ are the maps?
—They're on the bed.歌手陈星
A.How    B.Who    C.What    D.Where
(C)25.—Hi, Jane, can I see your dog?
—OK.You can________ to my room to see it.
A.ask    B.find    C.come    D.meet
(C)26.Where ________ Helen and where ________ her pencils?
A.is;is    B.are;is    C.is;are    D.are;are
(B)27.—Mom,where is my baseball?
—It's ________ the box ________ your bed.
A.under;on    B.in;under    C.in;at    D.at;in
(B)28.—Are ________ Grace and Jenny?
—Yes, and this is ________ friend, Alice.
A.they;they    B.they;their
C.their;they    D.their;their
(A)29.—Are these hats yours,Linda?
No,the red one is mine,________ the purple one ________ the white one are my sister's.
A.but;and    B.but;/    C./;and    D.and;but
(C)30.Tom isn't tidy. He always ________ me,Where is my English book? Where are my rulers?
A.ask    B.think    C.asks    D.thinks
(C)31.—Is this your computer?
—No, it's________.
A.Lisa's and Linda's    B.Lisa and Linda
C.Lisa and Linda's    D.Lisa's and Linda
(D)32.I ________ this girl.She is my friend.
A.spell    B.think    C.lose    D.know关于母爱的句子
(A)33.—Where are these tapes?
—________ in the bookcase.
A.They are    B.These are
C.Those are    D.Their are
(D)34.—Are Mike and Alan in the classroom?
—________.They are in the school library.
A.Yes, he is    B.No, he isn't
C.Yes, they are    D.No, they aren't
(C)35.—________, Jim! It's 7:45 in the morning.
—Oh, no! I can't find my schoolbag, Mom.
A.Spell it    B.Thank you
C.Come on    D.Excuse me
I'm Sally.I am a __36__ girl.In my roomthe books are always __37__ the desk.__38__ green computer game is always there__39__.My shoes are always under the bed.My black schoolbag is always on the sofa.I am tidy__40__ my dogLuckyis not.Look at my __41__.It is not tidy now.The __42__小学三年级教学计划 are not on the desk.They are everywhere—on the bedon the sofa and under the desk.My computer game is on the bed.My shoes are on the sofa.__43__ is my schoolbag? Oh__44__ under the bed.Where is Lucky? __45__ he under the bed? Is he under the sofa? Nohe is not in the room now.
(A)36.A.tidy    B.welcome    C.fine    D.last