摘 要:开封城墙是我国现存规模最大且最完整的城墙之一。如何有效的保护这类体系庞大的文物,在当今城市化时代依然是一个挑战。结合国家经济、社会、文化发展进入新阶段的新需求,从开封的资源禀赋条件分析与城市发展的可能性出发,提出开封应借鉴对不可移动文物的合理性利用的保护经验与做法,依托古城墙这一优势突出的历史文化资源,顺势而为,建设城墙型“空中花园现在那个牌子的奶粉好”立体景观带与环城休闲旅游带,既为保护该文物到有力抓手,又切实推进特城市建设、实现文化与生态的双重惠民、促进该市作为支柱产业的文化旅游业的发展等。
七夕送给老公的话 关键词:开封;古城墙;立体景观;休闲旅游带;研究
Abstract:The ancient city wall of Kaifeng is one of the longest and most complete walls in our country at present. But it is still a challenge that how to effectively protect such huge a cultural or historical relics in the era of urbanizating today. When our country access
es a new stage of its progress,王志文主演的电视剧 the people will make stronger consuming demand for cultural products and service. So the times shall give Kaifeng an important opportunity to develop itself. That means the city can use its rich resource endowment in cultural and social field for its urban developing. Based on the prominent advantage of having a great ancient city wall,Kaifeng should draw lessons from other cities and make itself's "hanging garden" with stereoscopic landscape and leisure-or-tourism belt about the wall. Once the idea coming into being, it not only can protect the historical culture relics of the wall gripperly,巨魔事件 bur also can promote the characteristics of the city and benefit all the people, except promoting etourism which being as a pillar industry of the city.