The mean age of the patients was 55 years (range 46–69 years).
Temperature of the room was kept at 25–28℃.
如果⽤between…and 或者from…to就不能⽤短划线了。
Temperature of the room was kept between 25 and 28℃.
Ponting CP, Oliver PL and Reik W. Cell 2009; 136:629–641.
多数情况下是可以⽤冒号(⼀个长划线的时候)或逗号(⼀部分内容前后各有⼀个长划线的时候)代替的。We have discovered a new function of FOXN1—recruiting melanocytes to deposit melanin into the epithelial cells. (可以⽤冒号代替) The new function of FOXN1—recruiting melanocytes to deposit melanin into the epithelial cells—was discovered through our analysis of Foxn1-overexpressing mice. (可以都⽤逗号代替)
1)⽤来连接复合单词的⼏个部分,⽐如X-ray, Editor-in-Chief,meta-analysis;或者连接单词和前缀,⽐如anti-inflammatory, non-coding。
时期英语 这种⽤法⾮常常见,使⽤起来却没有⼀定之规。有的单词不同的作者会选择不同的格式,⽐如说Editor in Chief,noncoding也是常见的写法,⽽有的单词以⼀种写法为主,⽐如X-ray, meta-analysi
s, anti-inflammatory。有些单词在语⾔演变的过程中可能从⼀种写法为主转变成另⼀种写法为主,⽐如up-regulate,down-regulate,现在普遍的写法是upregulate (upregulation)和downregulate (downregulation)。对于这种不同写法并存的单词,我们写作的时候要注意的就是⼀篇⽂章中只能⽤⼀种写法,前后⼀致是最重要的。
Eight-week-old mice were given a high-fat diet for 12 weeks. (注意这⾥不能说eight-weeks-old)assignment writing service on www.lxws
我想你想你想你想的快疯了 LPS-induced apoptosis of HUVECs was ameliorated by pre-treating the cells with VEGF.
When cells reached confluency, various stimulants were added into the culture medium, followed by a 24-hr incubation.
At the time the experiment started, the mice were eight weeks old.
When cells reached confluency, various stimulants were added into the culture medium, and the cells were further cultured for 24 hours.
dnf强化技巧 四、减号:表⽰减法或者负数
四月最美诗句 在数学公式中表⽰减法时前后各需⼀个空格。
上海金山旅游 Tumor growth inhibition rate was calculated as (1 - tumor volume of treated group/tumor volume of control group) 100%. 表⽰负数时与后⾯的数字之间没有空格。
中国移动积分商城 The samples were stored at -20℃ till use.
Final concentration of MgCl2 in the buffer was 0.2 g L-1.