The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. This name is given because it is in the middle of autumn. In this day after day, there is a bright moon shaped like a jade plate is very round, so there is the "Mid-Autumn moon is round" reputation. Chinese folk regard the circle as a symbol of reunion and regard the Mid-Autumn Festival as a family reunion day, so the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the reunion festival.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a festival for people to celebrate the harvest. Whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival night people enjoy the jade plate like the bright moon while eating moon cakes, fruit every family is filled with the joy of harvest.
It is said that the mooncake also has an extraordinary history:
Mooncakes have a long history. According to historical records, as early as in the Yin and Zhou dynasties, there was a "Taishi cake" to commemorate the thin side of Wen Zhong, which is the "ancestor" of moon cakes in China. In the Han Dynasty, when the Western Regions, sesame and walnut were introduced and added to the production of moon cakes. At this time, a round cake filled with walnut kernel named "hu cake" appeared. It is said that one year on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei ate the name of "hu cake". Yang Guifei looked up at the bright moon and the "moon cake" since then the name of "moon cake" gradually spread in the people.
月饼有着悠久的历史。据史料记载早在殷、周时期江浙一带就有一种纪念太师闻仲的边薄心厚的"太师饼”此乃我国月饼的“始祖”。汉代张出使西域时引进芝麻、胡桃为月饼的制作增添了辅料这时便出现了以胡桃仁为馅的圆形饼名日“胡饼”。 唐代据说有一年中秋之夜唐玄宗和杨贵妃赏月吃胡饼时唐玄宗嫌“胡饼”名字不好听杨贵妃仰望皎洁的明月心潮澎湃随口而出“月饼”从此“月饼”的名称便在民间逐渐流传开。