想必你已经听过很多关于第九行星的资讯?若没有的话,以下有几项关于第九行星(Planet Nine)的重点:
据估计,第九行星的质量为6 x 1025 公斤( 质量较地球大)。行星半径为13,000到26,000公里(地球半径为6371公里)。
虽然新视野号并不是以等速运行,我还是能以大约16公里/秒(16000公尺/秒)的速度估计。如果这个太空飞行器设定目标为第九行星与太阳最近距离的时候,那运行距离大约是200天文单位(2.99 x 1013 公尺)。现在我们也可以将这个平均速度用一般的定义理解(在一维空间里)。
我把1.87 x 109 秒换算成年(你可以在做课后作业时再计算),得到59.3年。若是以第九行星离太阳最远(1200天文单位)的可能性计算,我算得的运行时间为355.7年。喔!第九行星离太阳的距离大约和地球到第九行星的距离相等。不过我们若要真的发射一个太空飞行器飞越第九行星的话,我们可能得先一个年轻的科学家,或是造一个更快的太空飞行器。
刘雪华和刘德凯为了好玩,你也可以用同样的模型计算地球表面温度,你将会算得288 K的结果。但实际上,因为地球并不是完美的辐射吸收体,所以实际温度比算出的结果低。如果没有大气,地球的温度将会是约255K(华氏0度左右)。
技术上来说,以金星的大气效应为模型并不容易,因为它的大气层很厚。地球的大气效应可以用单层模型(single layer model—via ACS)估算。估算是一件有趣的事。
SURELY YOU HAVE heardall of the news about Planet Nine? If not,here are a few of the major points:
·       There are many objects in the Kuiperbelt (the stuff past Pluto) that have orbits around the Sun but are sort ofbunched to one side of the solar system.
·       The motion of these Kuiper beltobjects could be explained by the gravitational influence of an unknownplanet—Planet Nine.
·       Planet Nine might not be the bestname. I would suggest something cooler like Planet Awesome or maybe PlanetPokemon.
·       Based on the motion of the Kuiperbelt objects, Planet Nine would have an orbital period of 10,000 to 20,000years with a semi-major axis of 700 AU (1 AU equals the distance from the Sunto the Earth).
·       The estimated mass of Planet Nine is6 x 1025 kg(more massive than Earth) with a radius of 13,000 to 26,000 km (compared to6,371 km for the Earth).
Now that weknow at least something about this (theoretical) planet, let’s consider somequestions.
How Long Would it Take New Horizons to Get toPlanet Nine?
Really,there are two versions of this question. First you could ask how long it wouldtake New Horizons (the spacecraft that just flew past Pluto) to get to PlanetNine from its current location. I suspect the answer to this question is aninfinite amount of time. New H
orizons doesn’t really have much fuel to messaround on any extra trips. In order to get to Planet Nine it would likely haveto make a huge course adjustment—and it probably doesn’t have enough fuel.
The second version of this question is “how longwould a spacecraft like New Horizons take to get to Planet Nine?” New Horizonsdoesn’t travel at a constant speed—however, I can still use an estimate of about 16 km/s (16,000 m/s). If this spacecraft targetedPlanet Nine during its closest approach to the Sun, that would be a distance ofabout 200 AU (2.99 x 1013 m).Now we can use the standard definition for average velocity (in one dimension).
I can convert 1.87 x 109灯饰照明 secondsinto years (you can check the mathFORHOMEWORK)and I get 59.3 years. Doing the same thing for the case of Planet Nine beingthe farthest from the Sun (1200 AU), I get a travel time of 355.7 years. Oh,the distance from the Sun is approximately the same as the distance from theEarth to Planet Nine. But you can see that if we want to launch a spacecraft tofly past Planet Nine, we sh
ould either start with young scientists or find away to make a faster (much faster) spacecraft.
Could You Walk on Planet Nine?
Let’s assumethat Planet Nine has a solid surface. What would it be like to walk on it(other than being cold)? Really, this has to do with the surface gravitationalfield. On the surface of the Earth, the gravitational field is 9.8 Newtons perkilogram. We all know what it feels like on the surface of the Earth—so thiswill be a good number to use in a comparison.