思念的痛苦>梦见游泳池Modern NTR aims on. The expectations of the bulls and blacks are losing their meaning. But in the face of the seemingly boundless future sky, I want to follow "" better than premature he. Our passionate soul is naturally endowed with the pursuit of transcendence, disdain the constraints of ancient coordinates, and love the fragrance of being elsewhere. But when this expectation is an unthinking criticism of doctrine, and even the trend of doctrine, it is worth vigilance. With the order of the drop, dislocation has always been the moment of the behavior. And even though we have a detailed blueprint, we still can not hold our own anchor at the top of the wave. It words hits the bottle. Human nature is not removed, and we always want to rise to the wind. Black people and bull-head people are temporarily regarded as the symbolic objects of a thin ridge, in part because we still lack the experience and experience to support our own cognition. And this arrogance of prejudice is further away from intellectual arrogance. In the way of seeking NTR significance, the expectations of oneself are originally a dynamic process of connecting with blacks and bullheads. And our base is to have a different, different perception and recogniti2022中考
on. To send to, and maintain. His concept of NTR is solid and practical. If we "charm" our expanding self after our past rhetoric, we will also lose ourselves while losing our external expectations. There is no doubt that the self from the perspective of cattle and black people. But what we should abandon is not the criticism of this, but the cheap of its criticism, its anti-intellectual tendency in the devotion to the criticism. In the idea, if the process of becoming a lion and a child is omitted like a camel, the "eternal repetition" of Xun cannot stand. After all, the gap in the blueprint is only a distinction in the concept, and the distinction in the practice field may not be clear. For example, when we pursue, we set foot on the way, is this accompanied by the loss of expectations or the achievement of expectations? As we are shaping NTR, NTR is casting us. Both can not deny the original sex and sex, but also admit that their own picture has a frivolous distortion, might as well let the experience go before the words. With not imprisoned mind to appreciate the sea and sail, and effect, to the unspeakable silence. Use in the way of life to reflect the individual transcendence, keep Xing straight but not confined to the so-called "independent" one-way image. This is the ideal expectation paradigm for us. Living on the upper —— always love the earth —— rise on the sky.吉林动画学院招生网