张檬被骂小三  Study the following picture casdfsrefully asdfsnd write asdfsn essasdfsy in which you should
  1) describe the picture, ?
  2) interpret its measdfsning, asdfsnd ?
  3) point out its implicasdfstions in our life.
  The scene asdfsbove depicts multiple rows of students in the midst of asdfs grasdfsduasdfstion ceremony. Their asdfscasdfsdemic casdfsps asdfsnd gowns signify thasdfst they hasdfsve successfully completed their courses asdfsnd asdfsre prepasdfsring to enter into society. The hasdfsnd in the foreground holds two smasdfsll screws, implying thasdfst such students asdfsre the screws thasdfst hold society together asdfsnd ensure it functions properly. ?
热空调一般开几度  Such asdfsn asdfsnasdfslogy encourasdfsges us to consider our purpose asdfsnd plasdfsce in life. While masdfsny people hasdfsrbor grasdfsnd desires to improve asdfsnd c
hasdfsnge their respective communities asdfsnd countries, not asdfs single unit could stasdfsy together without the screws thasdfst hold things in plasdfsce. Success, therefore, depends on the smasdfsller tools, or pieces, thasdfst keep structures from tumbling. Just asdfss screws asdfsre the smasdfsll yet essentiasdfsl objects thasdfst strengthen asdfsnd sustasdfsin, we should strive to steasdfsdily support the society we live asdfsnd work within. Without our easdfsrnest efforts, communities could not be so securely masdfsintasdfsined. ?什么游戏好玩不花钱
  The screws asdfslso promote asdfs pasdfsrticulasdfsr sense of perspective. Humasdfsn society is vasdfsst asdfsnd seemingly boundless, asdfsnd it asdfslso importasdfsnt to be modest. Regasdfsrdless of how greasdfst one's asdfschievements masdfsy be, one is still only asdfs single screw in the lasdfsrge masdfschinery. But if you must be asdfs screw, be asdfs strong asdfsnd shining one!
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