新土味情话  According to the Daily Mail of October 27, nearly 30 percent of workers called in sick when they were not, last year, found a nationwide US survey。
杨幂女儿小糯米照片  The survey, including more than 3,100 workers and more than 2,400 employers, asked employers to list the most unusual reasons for employees not making it to the office。
  The survey revealed that some of the wilder excuses ranged from a chicken attack, a hair transplant gone wrong - and one employee who managed to phone in with one hand to say his other hand was stuck in a bowling ball。
  However, workers playing hooky without a plausible reason should be warned. About 30 percent of employers who responded to the survey said they checked up on employees when they called in sick, and 16 percent said they had fired an employee for missing a day of work without a good excuse。
  On the bright side, more than half of all employers surveyed said they do allowed their em
ployees to take "mental health days"。
带明的成语  据英国每日邮报10月27日报道,一项美国全国性调查显示,在去年电话请假的员工中,有近30%的人其实在装病。
陪你去看流星雨落在这地球上  但是,那些不上班还没有正当理由的人该注意了。调查中,30%的老板表示,对员工请病假进行过核实;另有16%的老板表示,曾经因为无故旷工一天解雇过员工。